Actuarial Analysis

Agencies established by merger or interlocal agreement, participation in state health plan

CERS, allow certain agencies to opt out of participation in the state health plan

Charter schools, authorizers of

Constable, constitutional amendment allowing county legislative body to abolish office of

Constitutional amendment, General Assembly, compensation suspended

Constitutional amendment, increase terms of office of legislators

County Employees Retirement System, agencies not required to participate in state health insurance

County Employees Retirement System, establishment of 85% as funding level for pension/insurance fund

County Employees Retirement System establishment of 85% as funding level for pension/insurance funds

County officers with duties coextensive with Commonwealth, salary reductions, when prohibited

Districts of innovation, schools of innovation

Kentucky Retirement System, close of KERS & SPRS to new members and provisions of new system

Legislators' Retirement Plan, restrict account consolidation with other state systems for new member

Legislators' Retirement Plan, restriction of account consolidation with other state systems

Peace Officer Professional Standards, recertification after retirement

Professional firefighters, state allotment increase

Reemployment after retirement, prohibition of second retirement account

Retirement, close of KERS, CERS, SPRS, LRP, and JRP to new members

Senior status judges, prohibition against running for office before completing five years in program

State Investment Commission, Sudan, investments in, divestment of

State-administered retirement systems, ban on placement agents and board duties

State-administered retirement systems, require state auditor to perform audit every 5 years

Teachers in charter schools, participants in Teachers' Retirement

Volunteer fire departments, increase in aid to $10,000

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:43 PM (EST)