
Biomass energy, approval of contracts for

Bond protocol, administrative regulation, inclusion of

Carbon dioxide pipeline, consultant, public service commission, authorization for

Carbon dioxide transmission pipeline siting, regulation of

Carbon storage demonstration projects

Carbon storage, demonstration projects for

Coal and energy efficiency, constitutional amendment to promote

Coal combustion residuals, disposal, beneficial reuse, variance for

Coal mining, overburden disposal, requirements and prohibitions for

Coal mining, regulation of

Contract, purchase power, approval of

Contracts, purchase power, expedite PSC approval

Contracts, purchase power, PSC approval of

Create a Task Force to study feasibility of election of public service commissioners

Electing commissioners, impact on utility rates, study for

Electric utilities, use of renewable forms of energy, requirements

Electrical service, discount, Ninetieth to the Ninety-ninth Representative Districts

Energy and Environment Cabinet, secretary, election of

Energy assistance trust fund, distribution of

Gas and electric public utilities, conditions for placement in receivership

Greenhouse gas emissions, urge Congress to prohibit regulation of

Incentives, expand for alternative fuel production and storage

In-lieu fee, for straight pipes and sewer, Energy and Environment Cabinet, study of

Intrastate produced goods, federal laws, federal jurisdiction, removal from

Municipal utilities, expansion of study to include

Natural gas, liquid or compressed, include as "alternative transportation fuel"

Nuclear power facilities, plan for storage of spent fuel thereof

Plug-in electric drive vehicles, tax credit, provide

"Pore space owner" to replace "owners and leaseholders"

Pro coal attestations, electric utility service, requirement for

Public Service Commission, membership, election and expansion of

Reclamation bond, bond amounts, administrative regulation, requirements for

Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2011, support for

Right of Entry Statute, technical and stylistic corrections for

Sanctuary state from United States EPA, state control of water quality standards, requirements for

Stream mitigation and restoration projects, conductivity, direct new contract for

Utility rates, election of PSC members, study of

Utility termination during cold weather, limitations

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:43 PM (EST)