Police, State

9/11 First Responders Day

Accidents, motor vehicle, reporting of

Background check, clarification of identity of person on whom performed

Background check, fingerprinting, request for

Child fatality and near fatality, external review panel, membership of

Class D felony record, expungement of, procedure, exceptions

Disarming a peace officer, add defensive and control devices, add defenses

DNA, requirement of sample collection at arraignment

DNA testing, availability of post-conviction

Emergency care, limitation of liability for

Grand jury, failure to indict,, record expungement of, procedure

Involuntary commitment information, KSP to transmit to FBI NICS background check system

Law enforcement, reporting requirement, established

Mental defective, commitment to mental institution, report to FBI,

Mental health evaluation, telehealth, permit use of

Mental health evaluation, use of telehealth for

Mint Police, U.S., state jurisdiction for

Pawnbrokers, database providers, requirements for contracts

Pawnbrokers, transactions, registry of

Prescribers of schedule II and II controlled substances, search and report required

Protective order service training, frequency of

Sexual offenses, restraining orders, issuance of

Theft of item with VIN, law enforcement agency, duty to report to NCIC

Unauthorized aliens, offenses relating to

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:43 PM (EST)