Fish and Wildlife

Aquacultural products, requirements for

Coal combustion residuals, disposal, ground water monitoring, regulation of

Conservation officers, allow to carry concealed deadly weapons

Constitutional right to hunt and fish, regulation of commercial activities, not to modify

Constitutional right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife, establishment of

Energy and Environment Cabinet, secretary, election of

Firearms, carrying concealed or openly for self-defense, authorization of

Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission, confirmation, Stuart N. Ray

Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission, do not confirm, David M. Williams, II

Government Assessment and Accountability Subcommittee, Department of Fish and Wildlife, monitoring

Hunting and fishing license, exempt

Hunting and fishing, no restriction iwthout compelling state interest

Hunting licenses and permits, voter registration included in

In-lieu fee, straight pipe and sewer projects, use for

Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, party to MOA, deletion from

Kentucky Mountain Trail Authority establishment, duties, responsibilities

Permits for regular elk quota hunt, require the department to issue no fewer than 750

Postseason elk quota hunt, require department to conduct

Quarantine, bees and appliances or materials, technical corrections for

Regional Screening Tables, EPA Region 3, fish toxicity concentrations, inclusion of

Release of large species by state agencies, local approval required for

Senior or disabled hunters, allocation of postseason elk quota hunt permits for

Sheltowee Trace National Recreation Trail, public access to

Stream mitigation and restoration projects, conductivity, direct new contract for

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:43 PM (EST)