Minerals and Mining

Alternative fuel production, expand incentives for

Bond protocol, administrative regulation, inclusion of

Childers, Joe F. Jr., Mine Safety Review Commission, nonconfirmation reappointment of

Coal combustion residuals, disposal, beneficial reuse, requirements and variance for

Coal, constitutional amendment to prohibit laws preventing severance of

Coal mining, overburden disposal in streams, prohibitions against

Coal produced or altered for intrastate use, exemptions from Clean Water Act for

Energy and Environment Cabinet, secretary, election of

In-lieu fee, straight pipe and sewer projects, use for and report on

Intrastate produced goods, federal laws, federal jurisdiction, removal from

Natural resources severance tax

Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, stream protection rule, express concern about

Pro coal attestations, application for electric utility service, requirement for

Reclamation bond, bond amounts, administrative regulation, requirements for

Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act of 2011, support for

Right of Entry Statute, technical and stylistic corrections for

Sanctuary state from United States EPA, state control of water quality standards, requirements for

Sand and gravel, noncommercial, property owners, permit exemption for

Stream mitigation and restoration projects, conductivity, direct new contract for

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:43 PM (EST)