Public Safety

Abortion, ultrasound requirements

Annual inspection of sources of electrical supply on boat docks or marinas, requirement of

Boilers and pressure vessels, inspection of

CMRS fee 911, calculations and collections procedures for prepaid cell services, removal of

Coal ash impoundments, emergency action plans, requirements for

Copper wire or coaxial cable, restricted payments for and reporting purchases of

Damage protection, underground facility

Electric personal assistive mobility devices, operating rules

Electric personal assistive mobility devices, reduce speed limit of roads where allowed

Electrical supply on boat docks or marinas, annual inspection by KY certified electrical inspector

Electrical work on boat docks or marinas to be done by Kentucky licensed electricians, require that

Good Samaritan law protection, extend to all persons

Impaired persons, proper care of, search and rescue training requirement

Importation, possession, or transportation of wild or feral pigs, prohibition on, penalties

Interstate mutual aid agreement

Interstate mutual aid agreement, approval, requirement for

Interstate mutual aid agreement, liability, immunity from

Interstate mutual aid agreements, local emergency responders, requirement for approval

Mechanized equipment definition, removal of loaders and harvester from

Mentally ill, release of, notice

Minor, death of, when autopsy required

National and State Background Check Program

Pedestrian, inclusion of electric personal assistive mobility device users in definition of

Personal watercraft, inland navigation rules, citation for

Postseason elk quota hunt, Fish and Wildlife Resources to conduct

Postseason elk quota hunt, requirements for

Prepaid wireless service charge, collection and remittance of to CMRS fund

Private landowners who own or operate boat docks or marinas for personal use, exemption for

Products containing bisphenol-A, prohibition on

Public Protection Cabinet, responsibilities of relating to secondary metals recyclers

Release of all members of the family Suidae, prohibition on, penalties

Restricted metals, restricted cash payment for and reporting purchases of

Search for lost person with a disability, procedures

Search for lost person with developmental disability, establish alert for

Search for lost person with developmental disability, requirements for training

Search for missing minor, reporting requirement

Secondary metals recyclers, registration of

Tattoo artists and body piercing technicians, ensuring public safety and competency of

Unlawful acts related to acquiring metals, penalties for

Last updated: 8/27/2019 8:05 PM (EDT)