Universities and Colleges

4-H Youth Development, honoring

Appalachian coal county college completion fund, creation of

Board members, removal of

Charter schools, authorizers of

Coal fields college completion program, counties eligible for

Coal fields college completion student services grant, institutions eligible for

Committee on Legislative Redistricting, composed of faculty

Complaints against police officers

Comprehensive universities, advanced practice doctoral programs, increase in maximum of

Foster children, tuition waived

KACC grant, non-participating institutions, provide eligibility for student use at

Metropolitan College and Ambassadors, United Parcel Service, honoring

New doctoral programs, consideration of, bachelor's degree attainment plan, prior requirement for

Postsecondary affordability, require assessment of

Public benefits, verification of legal presence

Rally for Higher Education, recognizing

School buildings, naming of

School of public health, children, dental services, collaborate in pilot project

School of public health, children, Medicaid dental services, collaborate in pilot project

School of social work, children, dental services, collaborate in pilot project

School of social work, children, Medicaid dental services, collaborate in pilot project

Southeastern Kentucky Educational Attainment District, creation of

State/Executive Branch Budget

Student Body Presidents, Board of

Student members, university boards

Tuition and fee waiver, family members of veterans eligibility, time limitations for

Tuition waiver for family if death is duty-related, definition of "law enforcement officer"

UK Men's Basketball, 2012 NCAA Champions, recognizing

University extension services, urban agriculture, focus on

University of Pikeville, establishment as public comprehensive university

West Kentucky Community and Technical College, recognizing

Last updated: 8/27/2019 8:05 PM (EDT)