Actuarial Analysis

American-made uniforms and safety equipment, acquisition requirement

Casino gaming, licensing of

CERS, retiree health reimbursements paid to system by school districts for employed retirees

Charter schools, transfer of funds to

Cigarette surtax, snuff and other tobacco products excise tax

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, allow onetime opt-out for members

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, employers allowed to cease participation for new hires

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, housekeeping bill

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, reemployment after retirement

Legislators' Retirement Plan, account consolidation with other state systems, restriction of

Legislators' Retirement Plan, benefit based upon high 5 years of salary rather than high 3

Legislator's Retirement Plan, close plan to new entrants

Legislators' Retirement Plan, close plan to new entrants and allow opt-out for current members

Legislators' Retirement Plan, closing of plan to new entrants and establishment of new plan

Legislators' Retirement Plan, cost of purchasing service credit

Legislators' Retirement Plan, new members

Legislators' Retirement Plan, opt-out for current members, allowance of

Legislators' Retirement Plan, restrict account consolidation with other state systems


Retirement, closing of Legislators' Retirement Plan to new members

Retirement, pension reform for KERS, CERS, and SPRS

Retirement, require state retirement systems to disclose retirement account information

Retirement, restriction of account consolidation with other state systems

Last updated: 8/27/2019 7:53 PM (EDT)