House Bill 413

Last Action to State Government (H)
Title AN ACT relating to retirement.
Bill Documents Bill
Impact Statements Actuarial Analysis
Bill Request Number 1466
Sponsors J. Fischer, T. Moore
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 6.525 to prohibit salary earned in another state-administered system from being used to determine benefits in the Legislators' Retirement Plan if the member does not have service in the other state-administered retirement systems prior to August 1, 2013.
Index Headings of Original Version General Assembly - Retirement, restriction of account consolidation with other state systems
Judges and Court Commissioners - Retirement, restriction of account consolidation with other state systems
Retirement and Pensions - Judicial Retirement Plan, restriction of account consolidation with other state systems
Retirement and Pensions - Legislators' Retirement Plan, restriction of account consolidation with other state systems
Actuarial Analysis - Retirement, restriction of account consolidation with other state systems


  • introduced in House
  • to State Government (H)

Last updated: 8/27/2019 7:53 PM (EDT)