General Assembly

Adjournment, 2013 Session until March 25, 2013

Adjournment, sine die

Administrative regulations with major economic impact, establishment of delayed effective date for

Allow one-time opt-out for members of the Legislative Retirement Plan

Board of trustees of judicial and legislative retirement plan, prohibitions, clarification of

Child fatality and near fatality, external panel, establish

Child fatality and near fatality, external panel, establishment of

Commission on redistricting, establishment of

Committee on Legislative Redistricting

Committee to wait upon the Governor, appointment of

Constitutional amendment, Chief Justice to have redistricting duty

Constitutional amendment, compensation suspended

Constitutional amendment, General Assembly to authorize casino gambling and its regulation

Constitutional amendment to repeal annual sessions

Creation of school and student safety review subcommittee

Employment First Oversight Commission, establishment of

Extraordinary sessions, compensation during

Federal acts, enforcement of, Second Amendment, violation of

General fund debt limitations, establish

House of Representatives, committee to wait upon the Governor, appointment of

House of Representatives, pastors, invitation to

House of Representatives Rules, adoption of

House Tobacco Task Force, reauthorization of

Legislative Advisory Reapportionment and Redistricting Commission, proposal by, consideration of

Legislative districts, redistricting, prisoner population

Legislative Retirement Plan, consolidation of accounts, restriction to

Legislator as expert witness before a state agency, provision for

Legislators' Retirement Plan, account consolidation with other state systems, restriction of

Legislators' Retirement Plan, restrict account consolidation with other state systems

Lobbyists prohibited from contacting legislators during a regular or special session

Medical marijuana, authorization and regulation of

Members, annual legislative ethics training, addition to

Members, legislative ethics, procedures of, change in

Minimum age of election, propose to lower to 18

Redistricting, House district numbering, changes to

Redistricting, representative districts, statewide plan

Redistricting, standards for, county division

Redistricting, standards for, proposed constitutional amendment

Regular Session, Part One, adjournment of

Representative districts, statewide plan

Retirement, benefit calculation to be based upon high 5 years of salary rather than high 3

Retirement, closing LRP and requirement that new legislators participate in KERS

Retirement, closing of Legislators' Retirement Plan to new entrants and establishment of new plan

Retirement, closing of Legislators' Retirement Plan to new members

Retirement, cost of purchasing service credit

Retirement coverage for new members, discontinuance of

Retirement, current members, account consolidation for, opt-out provision for

Retirement, discontinuance of coverage for new members and allowance of opt-out for current members

Retirement, discontinue coverage for new members and allow opt-out for current members

Retirement, new members, account consolidation for, restrictions against

Retirement, Pension Reform Measures

Retirement, require the Legislators' Retirement Plan to disclose retirement account information

Retirement, restriction of account consolidation with other state systems

Retirement,requirement that employers pay for pension spiking costs

Roll call vote for appropriation or revenue measure, requirement for

Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, require General Assembly to protect

Senate, membership of, establishment

Senate, pastors, invitation to

Senate Rules, adoption of

Term of office in district where elected, to be served

Timber Theft and Trespass Reduction Task Force, establishment of

U.S. Constitution, Second Amendment, laws contrary to, prevention of

Waiver of medical review panel process

Last updated: 8/27/2019 7:53 PM (EDT)