Consolidated Local Governments

Counties containing, exempt from ability to form a library district under the provisions of the bill

Ethics code, subpoena power

Ethics complaints, provision of legal representation for complainant, prohibition

Insurance, procurement, bids for

Jail officer, complaint against, required procedure

License fees, inclusion of consolidated local and urban-county governments within

Local ethics code, provision of legal representation, prohibition

Mass transportation, publicly owned, exclusion from tolls.

Minority citizens, employment of

Natural gas systems, prohibit acquisition of natural gas plant

Planning and zoning commission membership, director of public works, designee allowed for

Police force merit board, appeal from, notice of

Police force merit board, appeal from, parties to

Purchasing, advertising, expenditure limit requiring, change in

Purchasing, prequalification, expenditure limit requiring, change in

Purchasing, project labor agreements in, prohibition against use of

Religious freedom, protection of

Service animals, disposition of

Wine and malt beverage sampling, first class city or consolidated local government events allowing

Wine sampling, first class city or consolidated local government events allowing

Zoning change, notice requirement, change in

Last updated: 8/27/2019 7:53 PM (EDT)