Public Safety

Age restrictions for police and fire in certain local governments, removal of

Alcoholic beverages, disorderly premises and medical amnesty relating to the consumption of

Boating access restrictions, Cumberland River, objections to

Child fatality and near fatality, external panel, establish

Child fatality and near fatality, external panel, establishment of

CMRS fee 911, calculations and collections procedures for prepaid cell services, removal of

Coal ash impoundments, emergency action plans, requirements for

Court security, increase sheriff's compensation to $12 per hour

Development, sewer or storm water facilities, corrective action

Disasters, charitable solicitations for

Emergency 911 service charge, prepaid cellphone

Epinephrine, emergency administration in schools

General Assembly to authorize casino gambling and its regulation, support public safety

Gun violence prevention, study of

Knife, possession on elementary or secondary school property, prohibition, exceptions

Motor vehicle accidents, blood tests, limitations

National Wildlife Refuge System, National Fish Hatcheries, concurrent jurisdiction for

Outdoor warning siren systems, activation during severe weather, guidelines for

Prepaid wireless service charge, collection and remittance of to CMRS fund

Products containing bisphenol-A, prohibition on

Radon contractors, certification and practice, requirements for

School and student safety task force, appointment of

School districts, status report of child dependency, neglect, or abuse, allow for

School safety, emergency plans, requirements for

Last updated: 8/27/2019 7:53 PM (EDT)