Drugs and Medicines

Acupuncture, licensing of

Alcohol and drug counseling practitioners, categories of and changing requirements for

Breast cancer treatment, information to be provided

Cannabidiol, use and possession of

Controlled Substance Act of 1972, repeal citation to

Controlled substances, penalties and protocols relating to

Court ordered treatment, alcohol and other drug abuse

Dextromethorphan, possession and retail sale, prohibition

Diabetes treatment, caregiver assistance

Diabetes, treatment in school settings

Dispenser of controlled substances, National Guard, inclusion in definition of

Drug-addicted or dependent newborns, statistical reporting relating to

Electronic health records system, state

Governor's Counterdrug Support Team, honor

Health-facility-acquired infections, rate reporting and infection procedures for, requirement

Heroin addiction, encourage study

Heroin addiction, study, encouragement of

Heroin, trafficking in

Heroin trafficking, penalties and release authority relating to

Human papillomavirus immunization, information requirement

Human papillomavirus immunization, requirement

Mammogram, dense breast notification

Medical cannabis, authorization and regulation of

Medication- induced abortion, prior physical examination required

Medication synchronization, permit

Methamphetamine-contaminated vehicles, clarification of definitions

Naloxone, possession and use of

Neonatal abstinence syndrome, treatment and prevention of

Overdoses, Good Samaritan immunity for reporting of

Possession of controlled substances, mandatory drug treatment

Prescription monitoring, data exchange, U.S. territories included

Safe drop off drugs program, local governments, creation of

Schedule I drugs, hydrocodone bitartrate, non tamper-resistant

Substance abuse screening, public assistance

Substance abuse treatment, coverage of

Synthetic drugs, increase penalties for possession and trafficking of

Therapy, expedited partner, establishing

Therapy, expedited partner, establishment of

Trafficking near a school, specification of qualifying school buildings

Wholesale prescription drug distribution, prohibition

Wholesale prescription drug distribution, prohibition of

Last updated: 8/27/2019 6:52 PM (EDT)