Legislative Research Commission

Administrative regulations found deficient, adoption prohibition of

Alternative tuition models, postsecondary institutions, study of

Annual Fish and Wildlife report to LRC on enforcement officer hospitality training, requirement of

Boating law enforcement, provisions relating to

Capital Projects and Bond Oversight, evaluation of public-private partnership agreements

Centralized voting centers, study of

Centralized voting centers, study of, report by November 30, 2014

Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport Governance Task Force, establish

City audits and financial statements, receipt of by electronic means

Committee on Legislative Redistricting, attached to

Death penalty costs, creation of task force

Deputy director for human resources, position, establishment of

Deputy director for human resources, requirements for

Designation of appropriation or revenue measure, requirement for

Director, leadership demonstration of

Director, qualities of

Display, national motto "In God We Trust" in Senate Chamber and committee rooms

Employees, harassment-free workplace, establishment of

Employees of, comprehensive employment system, establishment of

In God We Trust, motto, display of

Insurance for legislators, end coverage and benefits effective 1/1/2015

Interscholastic athletics, legislative review of rules, regulations, and bylaws of managing agency

Kentucky Capital Punishment Integrity Task Force, establishment of

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System Task Force, establishment of

Legislative Advisory Reapportionment and Redistricting Commission, proposal, consideration of

Legislative Branch Budget

Legislative Ethics Commission, adjudicatory proceeding, reopening of

Legislative Ethics Commission, membership, appointment process

Legislative Research Commission Employees, rewards for cost-saving ideas implemented

Legislative staff salary increases, approval of

Member wrongdoing, certain leaders to be informed within 48 hours

Members of General Assembly, workplace harassment, training on

Personnel, direction for implementation of budget reduction measures

Policies and procedures, workplace harassment prevention, annual evaluation required

Proposed constitutional amendments, General Assembly sessions

Proposed constitutional amendments, General Assembly sessions, legislation carried over

Public Pension Oversight Board, add KTRS, LRP, and JRP to oversight functions

Public Pension Oversight Board, public employee and retiree representation, add

Racial impact statement, legislation, preparation for

Reports, every five years, evaluation of

Security, breach investigation procedures, development of

Sexual and workplace harassment, allegations of, procedures required for

Sexual harassment, employees, reporting by

Special General Assembly sessions, proposed constitutional amendments, agreement of leadership

State employee appreciation day, July 1, 2104 as, recognition of

Statute Reviser's Bill for 2014 Regular Session

Timber Theft and Trespass Reduction Task Force, establishment of

Workplace harassment prevention, training, development of

Last updated: 8/27/2019 6:52 PM (EDT)