Motor Vehicles

Accessible parking placards, application, advanced practice registered nurses, permit to sign

Accessible parking placards, limit one per person

All-terrain vehicles, additional protective headgear exemption

Asset forfeiture, disposal of methamphetamine contaminated vehicles

Automotive recycling dealers, exempt from title requirements for the purchase of certain vehicles

Bioptic driving, elimination of waiting period for nighttime driving privileges

Bioptic driving, use of left and right side mirrors, require

Certificate of driving, establishment of

Child booster seats, age and size requirements

Commercial motor vehicles, weight tolerance, transportation of agricultural products

County attorney traffic school program, fees in lieu of court costs

Disabled license plates, allow chiropractors to write statement for obtainment of

Disabled parking placards, allow chiropractors to write statement for obtainment of

Disabled parking placards, tamper-evident material, requirements for

Disabled parking placards, tamper-evident stickers, requirements for

Disabled parking violations, increased penalties for second and subsequent offenses

Drivers trapped in floods, liability for costs of rescue

DUI, admissibility of controlled substance testing

DUI, penalties imposed

DUI, per se level reduced from 0.08 to 0.05

DUI service fee, amount and usage of

Event data recorder, use of, requirements for

Funeral processions, require use of emergency flashers during

Gold Star Siblings license plates, delayed effective date, January 1, 2015

Gold Star Siblings license plates, establishment of

Gross weight provisions, certain agricultural products, modification of

Ignition interlock license, provisions for

Insurance requirement violation, threshold for

Junked vehicles, confirmation of lien and tax status with county clerk

Junked vehicles, liability of salvage yards for failure to check liens

Junked vehicles, require check for delinquent taxes prior to surrendering title

Junked vehicles, require lien check prior to surrendering title

Maximum speed limits, four lane non-interstate highways, 65 MPH

Maximum speed limits, four lane noninterstate highways, 65 MPH

Minors, ineligibility to prepay traffic violations

Motor fuels tax, establish minimum value

Motor Vehicle Commission advisory committees, representation of general public

Motor vehicle commission statutes, omnibus revision, required bond and insurance, offsite sales

Motor vehicle operators, entering or crossing at steady red light, affirmative defense

Motor vehicles, property tax valuation appraisal standards for

Motorcycle operators, entering or crossing at steady red light, affirmative defense

Off-site vehicle sales, clarification of territorial limits

Operator's licenses, designation of hearing or speech impairment, provide for

Over 44,000 pounds, fine for parking on highway shoulder or ramp

Over 44,000 pounds, provide exemptions for parking on highway shoulder or ramp

Personal communication device use by minor driver, fines, increase of

Proof of insurance coverage, inclusion in AVIS database

Property tax valuation appraisal standards for certain older motor vehicles

Property tax valuation appraisal standards for motor vehicles

Public transportation, offenses against user or operator of

Recreational vehicle manufacturers and dealers, requirements for

Recreational vehicles, exempt from local property taxation

Registration reinstatement fee, suspension due to no vehicle insurance

Repair Facilities, required parts procurement process, prohibition

Secondary metals recyclers, exempt from title requirements for the purchase of certain vehicles

Self-insured motor vehicle dealers, exemption for

Self-storage liens, notice requirements and authorization of late fees

Shock probation, prohibit, DUI death

Special military service academy license plate, establishment of

Special military service academy license plates, establishment of

Texting prohibition, clarification of exemptions

Texting prohibition, exemption of hands free devices

Texting prohibition, limits on exemptions, clarification of

Texting while driving, exemption to prohibition, clarification

Texting while driving, fines, increase of

Tires, rubber on all vehicle wheels, requirement for

Towing and storage, allow sale of vehicle's contents to satisfy lien for

Towing and storage liens, precedence of

Towing and storage of vehicles, allow sale of vehicle's contents to satisfy lien for

Traffic violations, minors, adjudicating without presence of parent or guardian, prohibition of

Transportation Cabinet, ability to promulgate regulations regarding driver license testing

Uniform traffic citations, copy provided to parent or guardian of young drivers under the age of 18

Usage tax, exemption for vehicles on MSO transferred to used car dealer

Usage tax, on-duty resident Armed Forces members, exempt, August 1, 2014

Valuation standards for used motor vehicle, clarification

Valuation standards for used vehicle, clarification

Valuation standards for used vehicle, clarification of

Vehicle headlamps, required use during periods of precipitation, 2000 or newer models

Vulnerable users of a public roadway, penalties for serious physical injury or death of

Last updated: 8/27/2019 6:52 PM (EDT)