Popular Names and Short Titles

BR 314, Emergency Allergy Treatment Act

BR 391, "No Convention Delegate Fidelity and Single Amendment Limitation Act of 2015

BR 393, Heroin Impact Act

BR 805, Kentucky Cannabis Freedom Act

BR 919, Todd's Law, motor vehicle parking

Cannabis Compassion Act

Coal Jobs Savings Bill

Conner's Law

Emergency Allergy Treatment Act

Energy Project Assessment District Act of 2015

Kentucky Buy American Act

Kentucky REINS Act

Kentucky Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act

Kentucky Uniform Voidable Transaction Act

Rural Communities Economic Advancement and Job Creation Act of 2015

Samantha Chipley Act, boating safety, electric shock drowning prevention

Voluntary Veterans' Preference Employment Policy Act

Zoe's Law, termination of parental rights

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)