State Agencies

Administrative regulations with major economic impact, establishment of delayed effective date for

Advertisement of bids, public entity, purchase made from

Alcoholic Beverage Control Department, powers and duties of

Appeals loser, pay $100 fine to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services

Appeals process, managed care organizations

Board of Education, academic content standards, revision of

Board of Education, data vendor transparency and privacy standards, requirement of

Board of pharmacy, restriction of term limits, removal of

Board of Veterinary Examiners, veterinarian continuing education

Booking photograph, use for commercial purpose with removal fee, prohibition

Books for Brains Program, board members, expense reimbursement for

Cabinet for Families and Children, adoption, determine eligibility for tuition waiver

Cabinet for Families and Children, adoption, eligibility for tuition waiver, determination of

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, best interest of a child, encourage

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, child abuse and neglect training, require list of

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, instructional content of sex education

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Medicaid, cost-savings demonstration projects in

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, regional mental health boards, KERS

Cabinet for Health and Family Services report, requirement for

Cabinet for Health and Family Services, SNAP, two payments for

Capital construction, construction manager-general contractor, construction method by, creation of

Capital sentencing system, omnibus revisions to

Charter schools, employees of

Commissioner of education, verification of school district budgets

Contracts, increasing efficiency and accountability, create study for

Contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance with

Corrections, omnibus provisions

Council on Postsecondary Education, academic content standards, consultation with

Council on Postsecondary Education, dual credit policy, establishment of

Council on Postsecondary Education, education programs for governing boards, development of

Council on Postsecondary Education, performance-based and outcomes-based funding, development of

Council on Postsecondary Education, performance-based funding, development of

County consolidation, Department for Local Government, assistance from

Criminal Justice Training, update of concealed carry training materials

Death in the line of duty, benefits, eligibility for

Department for Libraries and Archives, Books for Brains Program

Department for Libraries and Archives, reorganization

Department for Oversight and Compliance, creation of

Department for Public Health, medical cannabis, authorization and regulation of

Department of Education, child abuse and neglect training, require for school personnel

Department of Education, develop and make available financial literacy course

Department of Education, report on completion of instructional hours

Department of Education, revised and exact allotment of funds, requirement to prepare

Department of Environmental Protection, state shipping procurement, sustainability program in

Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources, employees, certain activities prohibited

Department of Libraries and Archives, Books for Brains Program

Department of Vehicle Regulation, omnibus motor carrier revisions

Dept of Public Advocacy, requires expansion of alternative sentencing social worker program

Disabled veteran-owned business certification program, creation of

Disaster leave, state employee volunteers, approval of

Early Child Care Council, expiration of regulations promulgated by

Early Child Care Council report, requirement for

Early Childhood Advisory Council, Head Start consultation with

Early Childhood Advisory Council, Kentucky Department of Education consultation with

E-cigarette usage and effects, study of

Education Professional Standards Board, certification of charter school teachers

Emergency departments, requiring Medicaid MCO coverage of emergency medical conditions

Eminent domain, statutory requirements for

Executive Branch and Transportation Cabinet budgets, amendment of

Families and Children, unannounced child protective service visits

Finance and Administration Cabinet, contingency fee legal services contracts, Web site posting of

Finance and Administration Cabinet, Contract Review Subcommittee, report to

Finance and Administration Cabinet, shipping services, procurement of, sustainability considered in

Finance and Administration Cabinet, state depositories, designation of, in-state requirement for

Finance and administration secretary, correct male only reference.

Financial Literacy Commission, creation of

Fire Commission, certified volunteer firefighter ID program, repeal of

Firearms, agency owned, purchase by employee

First Steps, contractual obligations, requirement of cabinet to fulfill

First Steps, require the cabinet to fulfill contractual obligations

First Steps, require the Cabinet to fulfill contractual obligations

Freedom of choice in health care decisions, no compromise

Game meat, for free meal distribution, prohibit restriction on

General laws passed, no exemption for

Health and Family Services, custody of abused or neglected child, notice to schools

Health and Family Services, military medical training as substitute for nurse aide training

Health and Family Services, reorganization

Horce Racing Commission, subject to executive branch ethics laws

Horse Racing Commission, losing mount fees for Thoroughbred jockeys

Horse racing commission, reorganization of

Housing, Buildings and Construction

Insurance, consumer loan companies, St. Regulatory Registry, required filings to be filed with

Insurance, deferred deposit transactions, St. Regulatory Registry, required filings to be filed with

Justice and Public Safety Cabinet, creation of forensics office

Kentucky Asset Liability Commission, authorization for funding notes for KTRS

Kentucky Board of Education, athletics, required safety gear

Kentucky Board of Education, district of innovation, student assessments, waive or modify

Kentucky Board of Education, identify career-ready students

Kentucky Board of Education, promulgate regulation for home and hospital instruction visits

Kentucky Department of Education, charter schools, role

Kentucky Department of Education, compilation of required reports

Kentucky Historical Society, rename executive committee of

Kentucky Housing Corporation Board of Directors, confirmation, Beach III, Charles

Kentucky Housing Corporation Board of Directors, confirmation, Noffsinger, Barry G.

Kentucky Retirement Systems, actuarial audit of assumptions and funding methods

Kentucky Retirement Systems, authorize payment to spouse upon request of payment due under a QDRO

Kentucky Retirement Systems, elected trustee vacancies on the board, process for filing

Kentucky Retirement Systems, employer costs for "pension spiking"

Kentucky Retirement Systems, exemptions for volunteer service on retired reemployed requirements

Kentucky Retirement Systems, housekeeping bill

Kentucky Retirement Systems, "pension spiking" costs less than $2,500 not billed to employers

Kentucky Retirement Systems, prearranged agreements for elected officials returning to same position

Kentucky Retirement Systems, retiree health payments by school districts for reemployed retirees

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, authorize $520 million in funding notes for ARC payment

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, establish intent to phase in to full ARC by FY 2024-2025

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, establishment of intent to phase into full ARC by FY 2020-2021

Kentucky Transportation Cabinet, rare plants, exemption for

Kentucky Workforce Investment Board, establish

Kentucky Workforce Investment Board, reporting and responsibilities

Legislative Research Commission, staff management and structure, implement recommended changes

Local boards of education, assignment of classified employees

Low-income, food-deprived areas, urge projects for

Motor Vehicle Commission, powersport vehicle dealer licenses

Office of the Secretary of State, study of civic education

Outstanding legal assistance debts, repayment of

Parental rights, termination of

Parole Board, procedures relating to

Personnel Cabinet, assistance by, comprehensive personnel system, Legislative Research Commission

Personnel Cabinet, employee health plan, cost-savings demonstration projects for

Personnel Cabinet, payroll payments by, direct deposit of, limitation on

Procurement by state agencies, prohibit contracting with delinquent taxpayers

Public Charter School Commission, duties of

Public Health, e-cigarette education and awareness program, establish

Public Service Commission, confirmation, Daniel E. Logsdon, Jr.

Public Service Commission, utility shut-off protection

Rare plant registry, local government and utilities, Transportation cabinet, exemptions from

Rare plant registry, local government and utilities, Transportation Cabinet, exemptions from

Registry of Election Finance, campaign finance, reports, receiving of

Registry of Election Finance, contribution limits and reports, various changes

Registry of Election Finance Robert D. Mattingly, confirmation of appointment

Retirement, certain KERS & CERS agencies allowed to cease participation

Revenue, cigarette excise tax and tobacco products tax, licensure requirements

Revenue Department, Labor Cabinet, Unemployment Insurance, and Workers' Claims, information sharing

Revenue Department, Labor Cabinet, Unemployment Insurance and Workers' Claims, information sharing

School Facilities Construction Commission, require report from

Secretary of State's office, reorganization, Executive Order 2014-01

State Board of Elections, absentee voting, voters not appearing due to age, disability, or illness

State Board of Elections, change filing deadline

State Board of Elections, redistricting, local government districts, allow deferral

State Board of Elections, student election assistants

State Board of Elections, voter registration, establish electronic system

State Board of Elections, voter registration, registered voters moving to new county

State Fair Board, reorganization, Executive Order 2014-834

State Treasurer, state depositories, designation of, in-state requirement for

State-administered retirement systems, disclosure of placement agents

State/Executive Branch Budget, amendment of

Taxation, Department of Revenue, technical corrections

Training, Cabinet for Health and Family Services

Transportation Cabinet, ability to promulgate regulations regarding driver license testing

Transportation Cabinet, honorary road naming, omnibus resolution

Transportation Cabinet, operator's licenses, study of smartphone technology for display

Vaccination program, eligibility for

Workers' Compensation Funding Commission, funding and appointments

Workplace Standards, apprenticeship tax credit for small business

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)