Substance Abuse

Alcohol and drug counseling practitioners, categories of and changing requirements for

Boating under the influence, penalties for

Controlled substances, acetylfentanyl, addition to Schedule I

Controlled substances felony, faith-based substance use treatment

Controlled substances, penalties and protocols relating to

Dextromethorphan, possession and retail sale, prohibition

Driving under the influence, list of controlled substances qualifying for prosecution

Drug courts, discretionary expungement of offenses relating to

DUI, refusal to sign waiver as refusal to consent to test

Health department syringe exchange, drug paraphernalia offense relating to

Local Exchange Option, study relating to

Marijuana possession and cultivation, adjustment of penalties for

Medical cannabis, permit use

Naloxone, prescribing, dispensing, and use of

Neonatal abstinence syndrome, treatment and prevention of

Outpatient treatment, exemption from CON

Pain management facilities, licensure of

Pain management facilities, regulation of

Parental rights, termination of

Prescription drug database, urge Missouri to implement

Residential treatment, exemption from CON

Treatment, alcohol and other drug abuse

Treatment, Medicaid authorization, coverage and payment for

Unlawful dextromethorphan possession, fines for

Zohydro, classify as Schedule I

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)