Education, Finance

Average daily attendance, early primary enrollment inclusion in

Boards of education, reparation benefits, remove authority to expend for

CERS, retiree health reimbursements paid to system by school districts for reemployed retirees

Charter school, transfer of funds to

Commonwealth school improvement fund, contributions

Craft Academy, allow KEES scholarships to be earned at

Department for Oversight and Compliance, creation of

District funding, determination and disbursement of

Educational Savings Plan Trust, deduction for contributions to

Emergency and targeted investment fund expenditures, require General Assembly appropriation for

Executive Branch and Transportation Cabinet budgets, amendment of

KCTCS employees, publish highest salaries of

KCTCS employees, publishing highest salaries of

KEES, add Cambridge Advanced International exams to supplemental awards for

KEES, amend on track to graduate definition for

KEES, comprehensive transition program, amounts increased for

KEES, dual credit courses eligible for

KEES, dual-credit courses eligible for

KEES, on track to graduate, change requirements of

KEES, student attending out-of-state high school eligibility for

Kentucky Educational Savings Plan endowment trust, change purpose of

Mandates on public schools, financial support for

Postsecondary education, capital project

Postsecondary education institutions, base operating appropriations, matching funds to come from

Public postsecondary appropriations, performance-based and outcomes-based funding

Public postsecondary appropriations, performance-based funding

Qualified tuition program, tax deduction for payments to

School facilities construction commission, amend application date

Tuition waiver, students adopted by grandparents, eligibility for

Tuition waiver, students assigned court-appointed guardians, eligibility for

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)