Education, Higher

Articulated credit courses, require acceptance of

Barber board, title IV funding, school eligibility

Charter schools, authorizers of

Computer programming language, qualification for foreign language entrance requirement

Computer science programming, enhancement and support of K-12 teachers of

Construction, prevailing wage, elimination of

Contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance with

Cosmetology schools, title IV funding, eligibility for

Craft Academy, allow high school diplomas to be issued by

Craft Academy, allow KEES scholarships to be earned at

Credit for military service and training, statewide policy, creation and implementation of

Dual credit courses, implement policy for

Education costs, disabled emergency responder dependents, eligibility for

Education costs for in line of duty death, emergency responder dependents, eligibility for

Education excellence fund, provide for, constitutional amendment

Educational Savings Plan Trust, deduction for contributions to

KCTCS employees, publish highest salaries of

KCTCS employees, publishing highest salaries of

KCTCS, Fire Commission, certified volunteer firefighter ID program, repeal of

KEES, add Cambridge Advanced International exams to supplemental awards for

KEES, amend on track to graduate definition for

KEES, comprehensive transition program, amounts increased for

KEES, dual credit courses eligible for

KEES, dual-credit courses eligible for

KEES, student attending out-of-state high school eligibility for

Kentucky Educational Savings Plan endowment trust, change purpose of

Kentucky State University, President Raymond M. Burse, resolution honoring

Kentucky Workforce Oversight Taskforce, establishment of

Local KCTCS institutions, allow for increase size of board of directors

Nursing education accreditation, update

Out-of-state facilities, prohibit operation of

Postsecondary education, capital project

Postsecondary education institutions, base operating appropriations, matching funds to come from

Postsecondary education tuition, waiver for law enforcement officer's survivor

Prepared student remarks, viewpoint-neutral review of

Procurement by postsecondary institutions, prohibit contracting with delinquent state taxpayers

Public postsecondary appropriations, performance-based and outcomes-based funding

Public postsecondary appropriations, performance-based funding

Public postsecondary institutions, governing boards, required orientation and education program

Qualified tuition program, tax deduction for payments to

Religious and political viewpoints, student expression of

Rescue squad members, death or disability, survivor benefits

Tuition waiver for temporary full-time employees and adjunct faculty up to 6 credits per term

Tuition waiver, students adopted by grandparents, eligibility for

Tuition waiver, students assigned court-appointed guardians, eligibility for

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)