
10 coal plants in 10 years, carbon capture and storage technology, Department of Energy

Carbon control and sequestration technologies, federal coal lease royalties, use for

Coal Job Savings, US EPA, resolution on

Coal mining, overburden disposal, requirements and prohibitions for

Electricity, renewable sources required

Energy efficiency, promote the advancement thereof through local government assessment programs

Energy project assessment districts, no use of eminent domain; agencies that may collect assessment

Federal Environmental Regulation Impact Assessment Task Force, establishment of

Keystone XL Pipeline, Veto of

Municipal electric authority, creation of

Net metering, allow rental, increase allowable generating capacity

Nuclear, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, approved of

Nuclear power facilities, construction moratorium, exception for, previous site

Nuclear power facilities, construction moratorium, removal of

Nuclear program workers, day of remembrance, October 30, 2015

Office of Mine Safety and Licensing, Executive Order 2014-390, reorganization of

Oil and gas development, deep wells, fracturing, program for

Oil and gas pipelines, eminent domain relating to, public use

Property tax on unmined coal, oil, gas, and other energy reserves, amend valuation procedures

Property valuation administrators, certification requirement, removal of

PVA, requirement to certify landowners, delete

Telecommunications, deregulation

Telecommunications, deregulation, customer notification

Telecommunications, deregulation, maintain employees of

Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, Kentucky Contact Center

Utility board, municipal, qualifications to serve

Utility franchise fees, cities may refuse utilities the ability to recover from customers

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)