Mental Health

Alcohol and drug counseling practitioners, academic requirements for

Alcohol and drug counseling practitioners, categories of and changing requirements for

Assisted outpatient treatment, establish court orders for

Capital sentencing system, omnibus revisions to

Court-ordered mental health treatment, authorize telehealth examinations

Duty to warn, expanded definition of patient

First Steps, require the Cabinet to fulfill contractual obligations

Guardianship, Custodianship, Civil Commitment, and Mental Competency Task Force, create

Guardianship, Custodianship, Civil Commitment, and Mental Competency Task Force, creation of

Healthcare services, inmates, authorized providers

Healthcare services, inmates, who may provide

Involuntary hospitalization, transportation

Medical review panel, utilization in health care provider litigation

Mental health treatment, permit without parental consent

Outpatient treatment, exemption from CON

Patient agreed orders, expands treatment options and requirements

Patient agreed orders, options and requirements

Problem and Pathological Gamblers Awareness and Treatment Program, establishment of

Substance use treatment, Medicaid authorization, coverage and payment for

Suicide prevention training, healthcare professionals, encouraging

Treatment, alcohol and other drug abuse

Voting rights, prohibitions relating to

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)