Retirement and Pensions

CERS, retiree health reimbursements paid to system by school districts for reemployed retirees

Charter schools, employees of

Judicial Form Retirement System, forfeiture of pension benefits

Judicial Form Retirement System, housekeeping bill

Judicial Form Retirement System, require disclosure of retirement account information

Judicial Retirement Plan, limitation on creditable compensation growth

Kentucky Employee Retirement System, require disclosure of retirement account information

Kentucky Retirement Account, private employer/employee deferred compensation program

Kentucky Retirement Systems, actuarial audit of assumptions and funding methods

Kentucky Retirement Systems, authorize payment to spouse upon request of payment due under a QDRO

Kentucky Retirement Systems, certain KERS and CERS employers allowed to cease participation

Kentucky Retirement Systems, elected trustee vacancies on the board, process for filing

Kentucky Retirement Systems, election to discontinue or not participate for service to Gen. Assembly

Kentucky Retirement Systems, electronic voting for board elections

Kentucky Retirement Systems, employer costs for "pension spiking"

Kentucky Retirement Systems, exemptions for volunteer service on retired reemployed requirements

Kentucky Retirement Systems, forfeiture of pension benefits

Kentucky Retirement Systems, housekeeping bill

Kentucky Retirement Systems, issuance of retirement allowances by EFT

Kentucky Retirement Systems, limitation on creditable compensation growth

Kentucky Retirement Systems, "pension spiking" costs less than $2,500 not billed to employers

Kentucky Retirement Systems, prearranged agreements for elected officials returning to same position

Kentucky Retirement Systems, require disclosure of retirement account information

Kentucky Retirement Systems, requirements for appointees with investment expertise

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, authorize $520 million in funding notes for ARC payment

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, disability benefits for new hires and part-time employees

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, establish intent to phase in to full ARC by FY 2024-2025

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, establishment of intent to phase into full ARC by FY 2020-2021

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, forfeiture of pension benefits

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, provide for additional funding and funding note authorization

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, Public Pension Oversight Board to study & make recommendations

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, reemployment after retirement

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, require disclosure of retirement account information

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System Task Force, establishment of

KERS, discontinue benefits for new legislators and allow opt-out for current legislators

Legislators' Retirement Plan, close plan to new entrants and allow opt-out for current members

Legislators' Retirement Plan, election to discontinue or not participate for service to GA

Legislators' Retirement Plan, limitation on creditable compensation growth

Legislators' Retirement Plan, restrict account consolidation

Legislators' Retirement Plan, restrict consolidation of retirement accounts

Nonhazardous employee unfunded liability trust fund, create

Public Pension Oversight Board, oversight of additional state-administered retirement systems

Public Pension Oversight Board, restriction on appointments to

Public Pension Oversight Board, study moving administration of judicial and legislative plans

Public Pension Oversight Board, study moving administration of County Employees Retirement System

Retired judges and justices, per diem salary for temporary active service

State Adm. Retirement Systems, require disclosure of legislators' retirement account information

State troopers, reemployment of by sheriff's offices

State-administered retirement systems, actuarial reporting requirements

State-administered retirement systems, ban placement agents, require adherence to state contract law

State-administered retirement systems, disclosure of placement agents

Supplemental contribution, require

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:10 PM (EST)