General Assembly

Abandoned and Free-roaming Horse Task Force, establishment of

Adjournment, 2016 Session until April 12, 2016

Adjournment, sine die

Administrative regulations, constitutional amendment, permit to approve or disapprove

Administrative regulations, final approval or disapproval of, constitutional amendment

Administrative regulations, omnibus revisions relating to

Administrative regulations with major economic impact, delayed effective date for

Attorney General, response to legislative request for opinion

Automotive caucus, creation of

Campaign finance, legislative agent, races eligible to vote, contribution allowed in

Candidates, filing deadline, second Tuesday in January

Cities, property tax exemption, authorization for, constitutional amendment proposing

Civil proceedings, reporting of

Committee meetings

Concealed deadly weapon, allow current or former to carry anywhere in the Commonwealth

Concealed deadly weapons, permit holders, lift prohibitions on

Constitutional amendment, compensation suspended

County jail restricted fund, establishment and funding

Disabilities, urging federal designation as a medically underserved population

Emergency Medical Air Transportation Task Force, establishment of

Ethics training, require overview of Kentucky Constitution

External detainee Fatality Review Panel, establishment of

Foster care and adoption, review the practices of

Franklin Circuit Court, alternative concurrent jurisdiction, creation of

General laws, no exemption for General Assembly or state agency

Government Contract Review Committee, contingency fee legal services contracts, report on

Grate, Jonathan, honoring

Historical horse racing, endorsement of legality, disclaimer of

House of Representatives, committee to wait upon the Governor, appointment of

House of Representatives, pastors, invitation to

House of Representatives, Rules 38 and 40, amendment of

House of Representatives Rules, adoption of

House Tobacco Task Force, reauthorization of

Income tax returns, requirement to file

Insurance surcharge for LEFPF and FFPF, adjustments restricted

Insurance surcharge used to pay for KLEFPF and KFFPF, restrict adjustment of

Kentucky Water Resources Board, liaison, nonvoting member of

Kentucky Workforce Oversight Task force, establishment of

Legislative Advisory Reapportionment and Redistricting Commission, establishment of

Legislative Branch Budget

Legislative ethics, campaign contribution, definition of "accept"

Legislative security specialists, Kentucky State Police, inclusion

Legislators' Retirement Plan, actuarial reporting requirements

Legislators' Retirement Plan, ban placement agents, adherence to state contract laws of

Legislators' Retirement Plan, ban placement agents, require adherence to state contract laws of

Legislator's Retirement Plan, housekeeping bill

Lieutenant Governor, designation as President of the Senate, constitutional amendment

Lottery funds, diversion, prohibition of

Medical review panel process, waiver of

Procedure for confirmation of appointments by the Governor, amendment of

Public employee health insurance trust fund, prohibit fund transfers to the general fund

Public Pension Oversight Board, add 6 additional legislative members

Public-private partnership agreements, legislative review and authorizations for

Racial impact statements, requirement for

Redistricting, standards for, proposed constitutional amendment

Research and development tax credit, reports to legislature to enable evaluation

Retirement, close the Legislators' Retirement Plan

Retirement, discontinue coverage for new members and allow opt-out for current members

Retirement, new amortization method for paying off unfunded liabilities to LRP

Retirement, retirement account information, Legislators' Retirement Plan to disclose

Retirement, state retirement systems to disclose legislators' retirement account information

Roll call vote for appropriation or revenue measure, requirement for

Second amendment and firearms, protection of

Senate, committee to wait upon the Governor, appointment of

Senate, confirmation of appointments to

Senate, membership of, establish

Senate, pastors, invitation to

Senate Rules, adoption of

South Central Kentucky Caucus, establish

Speaker and President to file income tax returns, legislative ethics commission

State property and programs, waiting period for naming for legislator

Statement of financial disclosure, inclusion of names of clients for consulting services

Technical corrections

Terms of members, limit

Terms of members, limitation

Terms of members, limitation on number

Timber Theft and Trespass Reduction Task Force, establishment of

Workforce Oversight Task Force, addition of additional duties

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:08 PM (EST)