Federal Laws and Regulations

Biological products, prescribing

Biological products, prescribing of

Carbon emission allowances, allocation of, Clean Air Act

Child permanency, requirements for

Community action agencies, telehealth services at

Compliance costs of environmental requirements, prohibition until compliance required

Dairy producers, referendum, changes to

Disproportionate minority contact with juvenile justice system, statistical reporting of

Electronic shipping information, advance screening for inbound packages regulations governing

Enforcement of immigration law, requirement

Federal laws, enacted after the effective date of this Act, invalidation of

Firearms, federal laws and rules, invalidate

Firearms, federal laws and rules, invalidation of

Laws enacted after effective date of this Act, invalidation of

Medicaid expansion, mandate

Medical marijuana, study of by FDA

Mint Police, limited grant of authority as state peace officers

Motor carriers, intrastate, hours of service exemption

Peace officers, authority under state law

REAL ID Act, Pub. L. No.109-13 Title II, compliance with

Reasonable and prudent parent standard

Second amendment and firearms, protection of

State healthcare exchange, mandate

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:08 PM (EST)