Labor and Industry

Agricultural employers and employees, exemptions, removal of

Apprenticeship agreements, technical corrections

Apprenticeship, small business tax credit

Arbitration of labor disputes, repeal of

Breastfeeding employees, reasonable accomodations

Business, living wage for

Coal incentive tax credit to promote increased use of Kentucky coal, reestablish

Coal miners, retraining and reemployment program

Duties of the secretary, investigate when there is a complaint

Employers, pregnancy and related conditions, discrimination prohibited

Employers with only one employee, restriction on discussion of wage prohibited

Employment discrimination, requirement of criminal history on job applications, prohibition

Franchises, no employment relationship between franchisee and franchisor

Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority, gender neutral language

Kentucky Labor Management Advisory Council, repeal of

Kentucky Labor-Management Advisory Council, abolishment of

Kentucky Workers' Compensation Advisory Council, abolishment of

Labor Cabinet, reorganization of, Executive Order 2016-855

Labor organization, mandatory membership or financial support prohibited, penalty

Labor organization, prohibition against deductions of membership dues without express consent

Mediation of labor disputes, repeal of

Military spouses whose families are relocated

Minimum wage for tipped employees, increasing

Minimum wage, local governmental the authority to set

Misclassification of employees, construction industry

Nonprofit camps or nonprofit educational centers, exemption clarification

Offender employment and licensure, requirements applying to

Omnibus amendments to the wage and hours laws

Omnibus revisions for the Labor Cabinet

Overtime, exemptions for administrative, executive, supervisory and professional employees

Paid maternity leave for employees, employers with fifty or more employees

Payroll card account, use for wages

Police, employment contracts, reimbursement for training

Political funds and activities and annual written authorization, delete provisions relating to

Prevailing wage, repeal

Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Program, creation of

Prison Industry Enhancement Certification Programs, creation of

Protection of wages, labor organization and political actitivities

Public works contractors, apprenticeship programs, requirement to participate in

Remove requirement for annual written authorization for withholding of wages

Salary requirement for new businesses

Senate confirmation of the commissioner of the Department of Workers' Claims

Sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination, prohibition of

Sexual orientation and gender identity, prohibition of discrimination

Sheriff deputies, employment contracts, reimbursement for training

State minimum wage, increase

Technical corrections

Unemployment insurance for seasonal/on recall employees

Unemployment insurance, successor employer and surcharge and interest

Unemployment Insurance, Successor employer, surcharge, and disclosure

Unemployment insurance, successor employers

Unmanned aircraft, usage on critical infrastructure without permission, crime of

Verification of immigration status, public contracts and public agencies

Wage and hour claims, discretion for prosecution of violations

Wage discrimination, prohibited on basis of sex, race, or national origin

Wages and Hours, exemption for agricultural employers and employees, removal of

Welding by mechanical engineers, exclusions from structural steel welding

Work release of inmates, allowance of

Workers' compensation, changes to income and medical benefits

Workers' Compensation, close the Kentucky coal pneumoconiosis fund and transfer to KEMI

Workers' compensation, duration of medical coverage

Workers' compensation, exclusion for caretakers for churches and certain ministers

Workers' compensation, exclusion for lawn services for private home or small business

Workers' compensation, exemption for employers and employees, removal of

Workers' compensation, exemption of certain employers

Workers' Compensation Funding Commission, investment authority

Workers' compensation, increase caps on average weekly wage

Workers' compensation, medical expenses and procedural changes

Workers' Compensation Nominating Committee, reorganization of, Executive Order 2016-319

Workers' compensation, procedure for filing occupational disease claims

Workers' compensation, subrogation recovery

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:02 PM (EST)