Elections and Voting

Abolition of office, constitutional amendment allowing legislative body of county to choose

Absentee ballots, in-person and mail-in, time off to apply and execute

Absentee ballots, process for

Absentee, mail-in and in-person, persons with disabilities, process for

Absentee, mail-in, disabled and qualified voters, restoration of time for request

Absentee, mail-in, medical emergency, process for guardians

Absentee voting, mail-in and in-person, persons with disabilities, process for

Alcoholic beverages, local option elections to allow the sale of

Amend to change terms of constitutional officers, restore rights, polling hours change

Campaign finance reports, number of, reduction in

Campaign finance, restrictions on certain organizations and expenditures, newly added

Casino gaming, constitutional amendment for

Cities, local option status, election to match annexed territory with that of the city

Consolidated local government, county clerk, internet publication of ballot, permit

Constable, constitutional amendment, allow legislative body of county or city to abolish office of

Constitution of Kentucky, proposal to call convention for purpose of revising or amending

Constitutional amendment, change election year of statewide constitutional officers

Constitutional amendment, elections, limitation of spending upon, urge Congress to propose

Constitutional amendment, General Assembly, budget special session, compensation suspended

Constitutional amendment regarding elections

Constitutional amendment to limit campaign expenditures, call on Congress to propose

County consolidation, funds for special election, from state

County consolidation, special election for

Date of drawing lots for ballot position, changes to

Deadline for certain candidate filing, first Tuesday following the first Monday in January

Deadline for certain candidates filings, changes to

Deadline for electronic voter registration, changes to

Deadline for filing petition for nomination, judges, first Tuesday following first Monday in January

Emergency service workers, absentee voting, establishment of

Felons' voting rights, constitutional amendment to provide

Female candidates, brain ultrasound required for

Filing deadline, female, 24 hour waiting period

General Assembly, terms of members, limit

General Assembly, terms of members, limitation on

General Assembly, terms of members, limitation on number

Identification, acceptable forms of

Judge of the county court, election of in counties meeting certain conditions

Legislative Advisory Reapportionment, Redistricting Commission, establishment of, ballot candidates

Local option election, sheriff's publication of an order to conduct

Local option elections, costs paid by petition circulators if not on primary or regular election day

Local option elections costs, payment by those who circulated the petition

Local option elections, petition requirements for

Local option elections, posting of bond if question not on primary or regular election ballot

Local option petition requirements, petitioner requirements, filing date, date change

Local option question on ballot during primary or regular election, permitted to include

Mail-in absentee ballots, use by persons with medical conditions

Precinct boundaries, State Board of Elections, computerized map, requirement for

President of the United States, candidates for, income tax filing requirements for

Presidential election of 2016, foreign government's influence in, Congress investigation by

Public Service Commission, commissioners to stand for retention

Public Service Commission, election of commissioners

Registry of Election Finance, presidential office candidate's tax returns, privacy designation of

Registry of Election Finance, public campaign finance, administering

Registry of Election Finance, statewide candidate's tax returns, privacy designation of

Slates of candidates, election of November 2015

Statewide office, candidates for, income tax filing requirements for

Vacancies in consolidated governments

Vacancies in consolidated governments, elections to fill

Voter registration, timely submission

Voting machines, straight-party option, removal of

Voting rights, prohibitions relating to

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:02 PM (EST)