General Assembly

Adjournment, 2017 Session until February 7, 2017

Adjournment, 2017 Session until March 14, 2017

Adjournment, 2017 Session until March 29, 2017

Adjournment, sine die

Administrative regulations, annual review of

Administrative regulations, establish requirements for expiration based on last effective date

Administrative regulations, requirements for expiration or retention of

Administrative regulations with major economic impact, delayed effective date for

Appointment of consultants to Division of Water study

Campaign finance credits, candidate, eligible for

Capital Projects and Bond Oversight, approval for public-private partnerships

Challenges to statutes, Attorney General, duty to defend

Cities, mandates on, prohibition of

Citizen and taxpayer stewardship, benefits reform and infrastructure updates

Citizen and taxpayer stewardship, recommend benefits reform and infrastructure updates

Concealed deadly weapons, permit holders, lifting prohibitions on

Constitution of Kentucky, proposal to call convention for purpose of revising or amending

Constitutional amendment, budget special session, compensation suspended

Constitutional amendment, term limits, establishment of

Date of drawing lots for ballot position, changes to

Deadline for certain candidate filing, first Tuesday following the first Monday in January

Deadline for filing, changes to

Defense of enacted laws, Attorney General

Disabilities, urging federal designation as a medically underserved population

Federal legislation requiring compliance under loss of federal funding, opposition to

General laws, no exemption for General Assembly or state agency

Government Contract Review Committee, legal services contracts, Attorney General, report on

Hepatitis C Task Force, establishment

House of Representatives, committee to wait upon the Governor, appointment of

House of Representatives, membership of

House of Representatives, pastors, invitation to

House of Representatives, resolutions and citations to include "in the Year of our Lord"

House of Representatives Rules, adoption of

House Rule 49

Insurance charges used to pay for KLEFPF and KFFPF, restrict

Insurance surcharge used to pay for KLEFPF and KFFPF, restrict adjustment of

Legislative Advisory Reapportionment and Redistricting Commission, establishment of

Legislators' Retirement Plan, ban on placement agents, state contract laws

Louisville/Jefferson Metropolitan Region Caucus, establishing

Medical review panel process, waiver of

Members, ethics training, required time, reduction of

Members having at least one bill heard, procedures for

Members, Legislative Research Commission, statutes scheduled to expire, notification of

Retirement and pensions, eliminate retirement benefits for legislators after January 1, 2018

Retirement, benefit disclosure if earning twice state per capita income

Retirement, close the Legislators' Retirement Plan

Retirement, discontinue coverage for new members and allow opt-out for current members

Retirement, election to discontinue or not participate in LRP or KERS for service to Gen. Assembly

Retirement, limitation on creditable compensation growth

Retirement, on creditable compensation growth, limitation on

Retirement, state retirement systems to disclose legislators' retirement account information

Roll call vote for appropriation or revenue measure, requirement for

SCL waiver reimbursement, Program Review study of

Senate, committee to wait upon the Governor, appointment of

Senate, confirmation of appointments to retirement systems

Senate, membership of

Senate, pastors, invitation to

Senate, resolutions and citations to include "in the Year of our Lord"

Senate Rules, adoption of

Sexual harassment training, elimination of

State property and programs, waiting period for naming for legislator

Statute Reviser's bill, technical corrections

Statutes enacted, expiration of

Terms of members, limit

Terms of members, limitation on

Terms of members, limitation on number

United States Constitutional convention, calling of

Last updated: 1/16/2019 3:02 PM (EST)