Boards and Commissions
WWW Version
Active military and veterans, professional licenses, issuance of - HB 319
- of education, legal notices given to - SB 140
- of Home Inspectors, appeal to - HB 217
- of Medical Licensure, surgical assistants licensing by - HB 555
- of Nursing, certified professional midwife, certification and practice of - SB 134; SB 134: SCS, SFA (1)
- of Veterinary Examiners, oversight and composition of - HB 170
- of education, candidate requirements, proof of twelfth grade completion or equivalency - SB 101: SCS
- of education, membership, eligibility - SB 101: SFA (1); HB 109
Charter School Advisory Council, duties of - HB 108: SFA (3)
Commission on Proprietary Education, licensing of institutions - HB 281
Conversion therapy, prohibition of - HB 258
Council on Postsecondary Education, revise membership of - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
Economic Development Incentive Review Board, establishment - HB 432
- Professional Standards Board, attach to Kentucky Department of Education - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
- Professional Standards Board; clarify authority of - HB 108: SFA (1)
- Professional Standards Board, revise membership of - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
Executive branch, public servants, business transaction prohibited with - HB 78
Farms to Foodbanks Advisory Committee, change name from Surplus Agricultural Commodities - HB 150
Fire districts, alternative tax structure - HB 95: HCS
Gender-neutral language, inclusion of in bank merger provisions - SB 245
Governmental units, regulation of electronic prescribing, standards, requiring - SB 143
Governor, power to appoint to - SB 233
Human trafficking notice, require display of - HB 456
- 911 Services Board and advisory council membership, appointment method of - HB 424: HFA (1)
- 911 Services Board, reorganization of - HB 361; HB 424; HB 424: HCS
- Board of Education, boarding schools and church boarding schools, voluntary certification - HB 349
- Board of Education, eligibility for - HB 108: SFA (3)
- Board of Education, homeschool accountability hearing - HB 574
- Board of Education, require student mental health screenings - HB 538; HB 604: HFA (1)
- Board of Education, revise membership of - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
- Board of Education, sexual abuse awareness and protection - SB 39
- Board of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists, name change of - HB 260
- Board of Medical Services, fee disclosure requirements - HB 176; HB 176: HCA (1)
- Center for Education and Workforce Statistics, revise membership of - HB 108: SCS; SB 257
- Communications Network Authority, debt and financing, authorizing - SB 200: HCS; SB 223
- Health Facilities and Health Services Certificate of Need and Licensure Board, rename - SB 7: SCS
- Horse Racing Commission, membership of - SB 56
Legislative Advisory Reapportionment and Redistricting, establishment of - HB 548
Louisville Arena Authority, board of directors, establishment of - HB 572
- boards, license issuance by - HB 465: HFA (3)
- boards, licensing and procedural matters relating to - HB 465: HFA (1), HFA (2)
- boards, powers and duties of - HB 465: HCS
Officer Shooting Review Board, establishment of - HB 66
Omnibus administrative revision relating to numerous occupational boards - HB 465
- Board, confirmation, Dr. Robert M. Powers - SR 354
- Board, confirmation, Lelia Annette "Lee" VanHoose - SR 78
Personnel Board, gender-neutral language - SB 216; HB 613
Planning and zoning, joint board of adjustment - HB 138
Retirement and pensions, Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, term limits for trustees - HB 105
- Advisory Council on Libraries, of repealing - SB 186; HB 302: SCS, SFA (1)
- Archives and Records Commission, duties of, expanding - SB 186; HB 302: SCS, SFA (1)
- Archives and Records Commission, membership of, revising - SB 186; HB 302: SCS, SFA (1)
- Archives and Records Commission, renaming - SB 186; HB 302: SCS, SFA (1)
- Board of Education, sexual abuse awareness and protection - HB 239
- Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, member, removal - HB 156
- education, implement programs for secondary education, instruction in voting - SB 265
- Elections, promulgate administrative regulations for, voter preregistration - SB 227
State Interagency Council, change membership - SB 201
State/Executive Branch Budget - HB 200; HB 200: FCCR, HCS, SCS
Telehealth Board, eliminating - HB 12; SB 112; SB 112: HFA (1), HFA (2), SCS, SFA (1), SFA (2)