
Administrative decisions, judicial review of

Administrative Office of, rental of properties in City of Corbin

Administrative office of the courts, forms development, requiring

Adoption consent and information, allow for

Annual audit, Administrative Office of the Courts, requiring

Appointment of conservatorship for abandoned and blighted properties

Asbestos action, evidence standards, establishment of

Asbestos action, requirements for

Biological evidence, retention of, allow representative sample

CCDW, license holders, remove location restrictions for

Child abuse or neglect, reporting of

Children and youth, protection

Circuit Courts, appointment of a special judge in certain civil actions, allowing

Circuit Courts, transfer to randomly selected circuit court in certain civil actions, allowing

Common interest communities, unit owners associations, rights and obligations

Court of Justice, gender-neutral language

Criminal defense, indigent clients, representation by counsel

Criminal gangs, relating to

Deadline for Court of Justice candidate filing, changes to

Death penalty, replacement of with life imprisonment without parole

Disproportionate minority contact with juvenile justice system, require statistical reporting of

District Court, jurisdiction, raise threshold for civil cases

Domestic abuse convictions, firearms surrender, procedures

Domestic violence orders, firearms surrender, procedures

Expungement, certain offenses, automatic creation

Expungement fee, allow court to set

Expungement fees, for application based on executive pardon, waiving

Expungement, waiting period, reduce to 5 years

Expungement, waiting period, reduce to five years

Financial bail, limitation of

Foster care review boards, reporting requirement changes, allowing for

Foster parent, rights to a foster child's case. allowing for

Foster parent, rights to a foster child's case, allowing for

Grandparents, adoption or termination of parental rights, visitation sought after

Guardians ad litem and court-appointed counsel, appointment of

Guardians ad litem and court-appointed counsel, appointment of, effective January 1, 2020

Homelessness, Prevention, Children and Youth

Indigency cases, direct expenses, defined

Kinship and fictive kin care program, establishment and requirements of

Legislative Advisory Reapportionment and Redistricting Commission, establishment of

Limiting recovery for injuries or death, proposing constitutional amendment

Long-term care, civil actions by resident

Marijuana possession, personal use quantity, prepayable fine

Medication-assisted treatment programs, establish civil procedure and penalty

Minimum age of criminal responsibility, remove

Monetary bail, restriction of

Personal information, requirements for the release of

Probation, certain public offenders completing treatment programs

Probationers, technical violations and absconding, graduated sanctions for

Prospective jurors, caregivers, excuse jury service for

Retired justices and judges, notary public functions

Service of process on nonresidents, methods

Special grand jury, convening of

Special grand jury, convening of, childhood sexual assault or abuse across multiple circuits

Special grand jury, convening of, childhood sexual assualt or abuse across multiple circuits

Supported decision making, allowing for

Tobacco, vapor products, raise purchase age limit

Vapor products, raise purchase age limit

Writs of possession, execution of, sheriffs' fees

Last updated: 11/9/2023 3:07 PM (EST)