Courts, Circuit

Administrative decisions, judicial review of

Assisted-living communities, initiate injunctive relief

Circuit Courts, appointment of a special judge in certain civil actions, allowing

Circuit Courts, transfer to randomly selected circuit court in certain civil actions, allowing

City facilities, city marshal, reference, removal

Commissioner of Department of Financial Institutions, ability to petition, establishment of

Court of Justice, gender-neutral language

Felony expungement, reckless homicide

Filing fee, application for felony expungement, reduction to $200

Financial bail, limitation of

Franklin Circuit, Legislative redistricting, remove exclusive jurisdiction

Grandparents, adoption or termination of parental rights, visitation sought after

Judges, elections on partisan basis

Jurisdiction, raise threshold for civil cases

Legislative redistricting, transfer to Circuit Judge panel

Monetary bail, restriction of

Operator's license, vision testing upon renewal

Special grand jury, convening of

Special grand jury, convening of, childhood sexual assault or abuse across multiple circuits

Special grand jury, convening of, childhood sexual assualt or abuse across multiple circuits

Strangulation, felony, creating

Last updated: 11/9/2023 3:07 PM (EST)