
30-day case review submitted to a court, establishment of

Ability to seek injunctive relief in matters relating to support of federal immigration law

Abusive civil actions, dismissal of

Affirmations, county attorney review, delete requirements

Attorney fees and costs, open record cases, award in

Board of Interpreters for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, appeals of actions to

CCDW, license holders, remove location restrictions for

Child dependency, neglect, or abuse, required reporting of

Child support, obligation table, update

Class D felony, lead hazards

Constitutional amendments, ballot question, sufficiency of, limited role determining

Court costs and attorney fees, award of, open meetings violation

Court costs, game and fish fund

Courthouses, provision of wastewater services, fiscal court authorization

Criminal defense, indigent clients, representation by counsel

Criminal gangs, activities, offense, and penalties relating to

Deadlines, extension beyond state of emergency

Department of Kentucky State Police forensic laboratory fund

Districts Courts, amount in controversy, increase

Domestic abuse convictions, firearms surrender, procedures

Domestic violence orders, firearms surrender, procedures

Elections, voter identification, omnibus bill on

Emergency placement of children, criminal history record checks for

Exercise of Constitutional rights, dismissal of legal actions against

Expungement, automatic, exclude traffic infractions from

Expungement, automatic for eligible offenses.

Expungement; felony cases in which no indictment was issued; exclude cases proceeding by information

Extreme neglect of a dog or cat, creation of crime for

Flavored vapor products, prohibiting

Fleeing and evading, additional penalties for

Foster parents, requirements for

Gender-neutral language, insertion of

Grand jury, affirmations reviewed by, delete provision requiring

Guardians ad litem and counsel, appointment of

Guardians ad litem and court-appointed counsel, fees for

Immunity from civil liability, law enforcement officers

Include gender neutral language

Include gender-neutral language

Indigency cases, direct expenses, defined

Informed consent, medical examinations

Injunctive relief in matters relating to support of federal immigration law, Governor's powers

Involuntary commitment, incompetent to stand trial, certain felonies

Judicial Branch Budget

Judicial Branch Budget, court facilities projects

Judicial Branch Budget, public health emergency

Jury service, increase in payment

Juvenile criminal responsibility, competency, procedures

Legal treatises, courts may use as persuasive or informative sources

Marijuana, decriminalization of less than one ounce of

Marijuana, expungement of misdemeanor convictions for

Marijuana possession, personal use quantity, prepayable fine for person under 21

Mental health professional and clergy, authority to petition for a protective order

Minor cannabis offenses, expungement of

Nonprofit healthcare conversion transactions, requirements for

Open Meetings, failure to give notice, declaration that actions vacated

Parental rights, involuntary termination of, foster parent involvement, establishing

Personal identification cards, addition of holders to list of potential jurors

Pretrial release, options for

Prisoners, transfer of

Probation, revocation of

Prospective jurors, 70 years of age or older, excuse jury service for

Recovery for injuries or death, limitations, proposing constitutional amendment

Restitution, animal torture or neglect cases, court may impose for

Restitution, give priority in payment

Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act, adoption of

Statutes of limitation for filings, extension of

Supported decision making, allowing for

Technical advisory committee, medical assistance, inclusion

Technical violations, graduated sanctions and revocation caps for

Treatises and explanatory texts, courts may use as informative or persuasive authority

Trespass, simplified remedy for elderly and vulnerable

Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act, establishment of

Youthful offender referral process, limitations on

Last updated: 10/27/2020 12:10 PM (EDT)
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