
Arts instruction, requiring schools to offer

Career and Technical Education Month, recognizing

Certificate renewal, options for

Certificate renewals for retired teachers, requirements for

Child abuse and child sexual abuse instruction, requirement for

Class size, reduction of

Emergency leave days, increase number of

Emergency nontraditional instruction days, increase number of

Financial literacy course, require appropriate certification for

Hearing officers, random selection of

Instructional hours, provisions for schools to achieve

Kentuck Board of Education, add nonvoting member to

Kentucky Retirement Systems, omitted service to determine consolidated benefits in

Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System, employee of, Kentucky Group Health Insurance Board, addition

Moments of silence and reflection, daily observation required

Nonteaching time, required

Nontraditional instruction, add days available for

Privacy of students, ensuring

Public charter schools, repeal

Rank change, requirements for

Religious text literacy course, content

Retired teacher certificate renewal, professional development requirements for

Retirement and pensions, sex offense against minor, forfeit public pension upon conviction of

Retirement System Board of Trustees, confirmation, Frank Edward Collecchia

Retirement System, disability retirement for

Retirement System, post-retirement return-to-work requirements for

Retirement System, surviving spouse's remarriage, benefits continue after

School closure due to COVID-19, provisions for

School council, membership of

School council, number serving on

School council, transfer while serving, permitting

School council, transfer while serving, prohibit

School principal, selection of

Speech-language pathologists or audiologists, clarify salary supplement provisions for

State-operated vocational center, transfer of

State-operated vocational centers, require transition to local school districts

Statewide accountability system, revisions to

STEM and special education teacher, promise zone, loan forgiveness for

STEM teacher, promise zone, loan forginveness for

Student media advisors, protections for

Student mental health assessment, school utilization of

Substantiated findings of child abuse and neglect, self-reporting requirement, eliminate

Sunscreen, application of, local board policy

Teachers' Retirement System, housekeeping bill

Teachers' Retirement System, new plan for new nonuniversity members on or after 1/1/2021

Teachers' Retirement System, new plan for new university members on or after 1/1/2021

Teachers' Retirement System, post-retirement change of beneficiary and option, qualifying events for

Training, reading diagnostic assessment and universal screener, requiring

Visual and performing arts instruction, require 100 minutes of

Last updated: 10/27/2020 12:10 PM (EDT)
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