Bill Request 66

Title AN ACT relating to community healthcare foundations by providing for the approval and oversight of not-for-profit hospital, health maintenance organization, and healthcare insurer conversions, and declaring an emergency.
Bill Documents Original
Sponsors R. Wiederstein
Summary of Original Version Create new sections of KRS Chapter 367 to provide definitions concerning nonprofit healthcare conversion transactions; provide notification requirements; require the Attorney General to notify a nonprofit healthcare entity regarding the status of a decision; require that the Attorney General to hold public meetings related to the proposed nonprofit healthcare conversion transaction; specify what the Attorney General must consider in determining whether to approve or disapprove a proposed nonprofit healthcare conversion transaction including a requirement that the Attorney General consult with and receive expert advice; require the Attorney General to also determine the impact of the proposed nonprofit healthcare conversion transaction on the affected community; allow the Attorney General to request additional information necessary to complete a review of the proposed nonprofit healthcare conversion transaction; authorize the Attorney General to contract with additional counsel in order to assist in the review of the proposed nonprofit healthcare conversion transaction; specify that the Attorney General is entitled to reimbursement from the nonprofit healthcare entity for certain costs related to review of the proposed transaction; prescribe parameters for public review of documents related to the proposed healthcare conversion transaction; prescribe penalties for a violation of this Act by a nonprofit healthcare entity; specify the applicability of this Act to current law; specify the parameters of this Act; provide that this Act may be cited as the Kentucky Nonprofit Healthcare Conversion Act; amend KRS 386B.4-130 to conform; EMERGENCY.
Index Headings Courts - Nonprofit healthcare conversion transactions, requirements for
Effective Dates, Emergency - Nonprofit healthcare conversion transactions, requirements for
Health and Medical Services - Nonprofit healthcare conversion transactions, requirements for
Hospitals and Nursing Homes - Nonprofit healthcare conversion transactions, requirements for
Attorney General - Nonprofit healthcare conversion transactions, requirements for
Charitable Organizations and Institutions - Nonprofit healthcare conversion transactions, requirements for
Civil Actions - Nonprofit healthcare conversion transactions, requirements for
Civil Procedure - Nonprofit healthcare conversion transactions, requirements for


10/30/19 Prefiled by the sponsor(s).

Last updated: 1/6/2020 3:52 PM (EST)
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