
Criminal statutes of limitation, ethical misconduct, shall not apply to

Documents, confidentiality, retain

Elected executive officials, executive agency lobbyists, campaign contributions, prohibit

Executive Branch Code of Ethics, horse racing commission members comply with

Executive branch, compensation to real party in interest, reporting of

Executive branch, "financial impact," definition of

Harassment, aside from sexual harassment, remove

Intentionality, alter

Legislative branch, discrimination and harassment complaints

Legislative, criminal statutes of limitation, ethical misconduct, shall not apply to

Legislative, former legislative agent or employer, complaint allowed

Legislative, general assembly, former member, complaint allowed

Legislative, proceedings and documents, open records and open meetings, applicable

Legislative, proceedings, preliminary, confidentiality, retain

Proceedings, confidentiality, retain

Sexual harassment factors, alter

Sexual harassment, single incident, may constitute

Statewide elected officials, statement of use of state resources for nonpublic purposes, requiring

Technical corrections

Last updated: 10/27/2020 12:10 PM (EDT)
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