Bill Request 853

Title AN ACT relating to elections.
Bill Documents Original
Sponsors M. Sorolis
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 116.025 to provide that a voter shall be a resident of the state and precinct on or before the day of an election; amend KRS 116.045 to provide that a person who has not registered to vote prior to the time that the registration books are closed, and who possesses all other qualifications for voter registration, may register at the person's precinct of residence on the day of the election, shall not be permitted to change party affiliation, and shall be permitted to vote in that election; provide for confirmation of identity and affidavit; amend KRS 116.0452 to provide for time of receipt of precinct voter registration; provide that county clerk shall provide the State Board of Elections with a report of the number of voters registering to vote at the precincts on election day; amend KRS 117.225 to provide that if the person is not listed on the precinct roster, that the person be given the opportunity to register and vote at the precinct on the day of an election; amend KRS 117.365 to provide that applications for voter registration at the precinct shall be presented to the grand jury and retained by the county clerk.
Index Headings County Clerks - Same-day voter registration on election day, report of registrations to State Board of Elections
Elections and Voting - Same-day voter registration on election day
Secretary of State - Same-day voter registration on election day
State Agencies - State Board of Elections, same-day voter registration on election day, reports received


10/31/19 Prefiled by the sponsor(s).

Last updated: 1/6/2020 3:52 PM (EST)
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