Prefile Index Heading:
Secretary of State

Candidate for elective office, submission of federal income tax returns, requirement of

Constitutional amendment, General Assembly, compensation suspended, provide ballot language

Early voting, omnibus bill

General Assembly, terms of members, extension of, provide ballot language

Gubernatorial line of succession, abolishing, Office of Lieutenant Governor, ballot language

Mail-in and in-person absentee ballots, persons entitled to, expansion of

Restoration of voting rights and prohibitions relating, ballot language, constituional proposal

Same-day voter registration on election day

Statement of use of state resources for nonpublic purposes, requiring

Successful candidate, repayment deadline for personal loans made to campaign

"Veteran-owned business," amend definition of

Voter preregistration, minimum age of 16, persons eligible

Last updated: 1/6/2020 3:52 PM (EST)
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