Taxation, Income--Corporate

Airport noise mitigation, income tax credit

Certified rehabilitation tax credit

Certified rehabilitation tax credit cap, expansion

Combined reporting, filing basis, change of

Contributions to account-granting organization, tax credit, sunset

Development area tax credit

Economic development projects, qualified employee

Economic development tax credits

Education Opportunity Account Program tax credit

EOA program, tax credit cap

EOA program, tax credit sunset

Exemption for disaster response businesses

Filing deadline

Film industry tax credit

Film industry tax credit, cap reduction

Financial institutions, exempt

Historic rehabilitation tax credit

Kentucky affordable housing tax credit, creation

Partner, member, or shareholder withholding

Paycheck protection loans

Paycheck Protection Program loans

Paycheck Protection Program loans, attributable deductions allowed

Paycheck Protection Program loans forgiven, attributable deductions allowed

Recycling and composting tax credit

Recycling tax credit

Rural hospital organization donation tax credit

Tax expenditures and incentives claimed, reporting of

Tax expenditures, elimination

Technical correction

Three-factor apportionment formula, reinstating

Voluntary environmental remediation tax credit, expansion

Last updated: 11/9/2023 2:52 PM (EST)