Public Protection

911 fund, funds for next generation 911 initiatives

Child dependency, neglect, or abuse reports, requirements

Extreme risk protection order, Kentucky Voluntary No Sell Firearms List, public safety measures

Fire protection districts, gender-neutral language

Impact of COVID-19, appropriate funds for

Jails, telecommunications services for jail inmates, oversight

Office of Claims and Appeals, creation

Personal protective equipment, production

Planning commission, natural gas transmission pipeline, notification, operator and developer

Reorganization, Public Protection Cabinet, Executive Orders 2020-821 and 2020-1028

Social media censorship, elimination of

State fire marshal, property loss reports, gender-neutral language

Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Act, inclusion of, exempt activities

Underground Facility Damage Prevention Act of 1994, amending of, operator and excavator duties

Last updated: 11/9/2023 2:52 PM (EST)