Actuarial Analysis

Fantasy contests, sports wagering, online poker

Kentucky Commission on Fire, Office of Homeland Security, attachment

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, housekeeping bill

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, membership date of members who participated in Police Corps

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, partial lump-sum option at retirement

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, required break in employment during COVID pandemic

Legislators' Retirement Plan, close plan to new members, transfer cash balance members to KERS

Public Protection Cabinet, fantasy contests, sports wagering, online poker

Sports wagering taxes and fees, permanent pension fund, funding

Sports wagering taxes and fees, permanent pension fund, funding

State-administered retirement systems

State-administered retirement systems, fiduciary duties

Teachers' retirement, service to General Assembly, leave limit prohibition

Teachers' Retirement System, repeal provisions of 2021 RS HB 258 relating to new teacher benefits

Teachers' Retirement System, sick leave balance reporting

Last updated: 11/9/2023 3:03 PM (EST)