Boards and Commissions

Adult Use Cannabis Control Board, creation

Agricultural districts, minimum acreage requirements, notification of local officials, landowners

Air pollution control districts, environmental audits of regulated entities, procedures, privileges

Animal Control Advisory Board, membership, dissolution, reconstitution

Animal Control Advisory Board, training programs, child abuse

Blockchain Technology Working Group, membership, Kentucky League of Cities, designee

Board of Alcohol and Drug Counselors, membership

Board of Cosmetology, additional board members, collect and retain statistical data

Board of Cosmetology, domestic violence training, licensees, requirement

Board of Cosmetology, esthetician board member

Board of Cosmetology, mobile salons, licensure

Board of Education, academic standards for African and Native American instruction

Board of Medical Licensure, recognition of military training in licensure, report

Board of Nursing, membership

Board of Ophthalmic Dispensers, license renewal fee

Board of Physicians and Advisors, membership, addition of pharmacist

Boards of education, candidate eligibility, completion of twelfth grade, evidence

Boards of education, required training for members

Boxing and Wrestling, exhibition, notice requirement

Center for Student Resiliency and Well-Being, creation

Charitable Gaming Advisory Commission, membership and meetings

Citizens Redistricting Commission

Citizens Redistricting Commission, establishment

Code enforcement boards, school bus stop are cameras, violations

Combined municipal utility plant boards, mayoral appointments, selection

Combined municipal utility plant boards, membership, proportional county representation

Commission on Military Affairs, job training for veterans, report

Commission on Military Affairs, occupational licenses for veterans, report

Council on Postsecondary Education, dissolution

County board of elections, certification of results, procedures

County board of elections, counting of ballots, sharing of results

County board of elections, designation of voting places, excused and no-excuse absentee voting days

County board of elections, hand-to-eye recount, procedure, requirements

County board of elections, members, compensation increase

County board of elections, precinct consolidation plan, amendment

County board of elections, precinct locations, date established

County board of elections, prize contests for students and teachers, guidelines

County board of elections, voter registration, procedures, purge programs

County board of elections, voting places, safe and healthy conditions, requirement

County boards of elections, vote centers, elimination

Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission members, remove Governor's appointing authority

Dietitian Licensure Compact, establishment

Division of Real Property Boards, creation

Dyslexia, local board of education, policy requirements

Economic Development Finance Authority, business loans, preference for veteran-owned businesses

Education, membership, partisan election

Education, membership, requirements

Education Professional Standards Board, certificates, substitute teachers

Education Professional Standards Board, complaint procedures

Education Professional Standards Board, complaints process, modification

Education Professional Standards Board, hearing procedures

Education Professional Standards Board, mathematics teacher preparation tests

Education Professional Standards Board, new teacher induction and mentor program, standards

Education Professional Standards Board, program standards on technology, artificial intelligence

Eligible veterans, discharged LGBTQ veterans, inclusion

Emergency medical services providers, classifications, credentialing, reciprocity

EMS Professionals Foundation Program fund, creation

Energy Planning and Inventory Commission, membership, duties

Energy Planning and Inventory Commission, membership, duties, deletion

EPSB, early mathematics teacher preparation tests, list of approved tests, maintenance

Firefighters Foundation Program fund, PFAS blood testing, voluntary reimbursement program

Governor's recommended State/Executive Branch Budget

Gubernatorial appointees, Senate confirmation, requirement

Healthcare licensing boards, workforce data collection

Kentucky Agricultural Development Board, confirmation, Albert William Pedigo

Kentucky Agricultural Development Board, confirmation, Gordon Ferrell Jones

Kentucky Agricultural Development Board, confirmation, Matthew Russell Hinton

Kentucky Agricultural Finance Board of Directors, confirmation, Lori Noel

Kentucky Authority for Educational Television, executive director appointment, addition

Kentucky Authority for Educational Television, membership

Kentucky Board of Barbering, domestic violence training, licensees, requirement

Kentucky Board of Barbering, mobile barber shop, licensure

Kentucky Board of Certification of Water and Wastewater System Operators, establishment

Kentucky Board of Cosmetology, abolition

Kentucky Board of Cosmetology, licensing, examination, languages

Kentucky Board of Education, high school graduation requirements, cursive name

Kentucky Board of Education, academic standards for technology, artificial intelligence

Kentucky Board of Education, administrative regulations, charitable contribution reports

Kentucky Board of Education, at-large member, addition

Kentucky Board of Education, civic literacy, regulation promulgation of academic standards

Kentucky Board of Education, facilities and properties regulations, modification

Kentucky Board of Education, local board membership numbers, determination

Kentucky Board of Education, membership requirements

Kentucky Board of Education, new independent school districts, appeals

Kentucky Board of Education, nonresident pupils, appeals process

Kentucky Board of Education, school building requirements, single-user restroom facility

Kentucky Board of Education, student voting member, addition

Kentucky Board of Education, superintendent removal, appeal process

Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services, emergency medical services education grant program

Kentucky Board of Licensure and Certification for Dietitians and Nutritionists, compact

Kentucky Board of Licensure for Professional Music Therapists, creation

Kentucky Department of Education, Adaptive Kindergarten Readiness Pilot Project, establishment

Kentucky Fire Commission, joint agreement with Division of Emergency Management, requirement

Kentucky Foreign Investment Review Board, agricultural land, appeal process

Kentucky Group Health Insurance Board, membership, expansion

Kentucky Healthy Farm and Food Innovation Board, establishment, duties, fund

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, board, membership

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, reorganization

Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation, board, membership

Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, jurisdiction

Kentucky Horse Racing and Gaming Corporation, racing and gaming, regulation

Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, appointment confirmation

Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, Department of Agriculture, reorganization

Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, language correction

Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, responsible gambling

Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, sports wagering, internal reorganization

Kentucky Horse Racing Commission, technical correction

Kentucky Infrastructure Authority board, Kentucky WWATERS Program, administration

Kentucky Infrastructure Authority board, membership, additional Kentucky League of Cities nominee

Kentucky Lottery Corporation, restrictions, identification of lottery winners

Kentucky Nuclear Energy Development advisory board, additional legislative members

Kentucky Nuclear Energy Development advisory board, membership, changes

Kentucky Ohio River Regional Recreation Authority, establishment

Kentucky Prescription Drug Affordability Board, creation

Kentucky Real Estate Authority, responsibilities

Kentucky Real Estate Commission, chair, responsibilities

Kentucky Real Estate Commission, real property, sale or transfer, affidavit

Kentucky River Authority, qualifications of members

Kentucky State Fair Board, confirmation, Dr. Mark Edward Lynn

Kentucky State Fair Board, confirmation, Edward Hoppy Bennett

Kentucky State Fair Board, confirmation, Joe T. Goggin

Legislative ethics, alleged violations, complaint and initial determination procedure

Legislative Ethics Commission, advisory opinions, procedure

Licensing, data collection, workforce participation, employment information

Local board of education, electronic communication policy

Local board of education members, grounds for removal, investigation and enforcement

Local boards of education, accelerated learning policy, requirements

Local boards of education, code of ethics, requirement and enforcement

Local boards of education, electronic communication policy, traceable communication system

Local boards of education, member training, finance and superintendent evaluation, requirement

Local boards of education, membership, requirements

Local boards of education, publication of budget, requirement

Local boards of education, school district depositories, maximum depositories, removal

Local education, secretary, superintendent not to be appointed

Local entities having appointed officials, geographic and political representation

Local entities having boards in a consolidated local government, geographic parity

Local school boards, student representative, requirement

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Board of the General Assembly, establishment

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Board of the General Assembly, managed care organization

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Board of the General Assembly, non-legislative members, increase

Medical imaging and radiation therapy board duties, establishment

Occupational license, prior conviction, application, criteria

Offender employment and licensure, requirements

Open records, agency-furnished and agency-designated accounts, public business, requirement

Open records, digital communication application, employees, provide access

Open records, digital communication applications, provide

Open records, mobile devices for employees, provide

Open records, official email accounts, employees and officers, requirement

Open records, official email accounts, requirement, penalties for violation

Open records, official email accounts, requirement, subject to inspection for violation

Parole Board, members, removal

Personnel Board, classified employees, member election

Personnel Board, member appointments

Personnel Board, member vacancies

PFAS Working Group, establishment, duties, reporting requirements

Podiatry, licensing, assistants, and residency

Property Valuation Review Commission, counties with consolidated local government, creation

Public funds, use in lobbying, prohibition

Public postsecondary governing boards, board composition, limitation of authority

Public records, public agencies, board appointments, website, publish

Real property boards, continuing education requirements

Reports mandated, Interim Joint Committee on Appropriations and Revenue

School bus stop arm cameras, enforcement

Sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts for minors, prohibition

Social Work Licensure Compact Commission, establishment

State Board of Elections, absentee ballots, records required, procedure

State Board of Elections, agreements, voter list maintenance

State Board of Elections, consolidation of precincts, procedure

State Board of Elections, consolidation of precincts, procedure, date applied

State Board of Elections, county board of elections, appointees, removal, procedure

State Board of Elections, excused in-person absentee voting, requirements

State Board of Elections, mail-in absentee ballots, requirements

State Board of Elections, recall election forms, provision

State Board of Elections, recount, procedure

State Board of Elections, voter address change, form

State Board of Elections, voter address change, procedure, form

State Board of Elections, voter list maintenance, agreements

State college and university board of regents, faculty evaluation process, creation

State Fair Board, shows and expositions, additions

State personnel, classified employees, permit hiring

State/Executive Branch Budget

Temporary government structures, building code, exemptions

Transportation Cabinet, medical review board, creation

Universal recognition of occupational licenses and government certifications

Waste management district boards, counties with consolidated local governments, service limitations

Waste management district boards, directors, service after expiration of terms, limitation

Waste management district boards, directors, service after terms expire, limited authorization

Wastewater Operator Certification Board, supervisor certification, recruitment, recommendations

Water and Wastewater Operator Certification Boards, merger

Water Treatment Operator Certification Board, supervisor certification, recruitment, recommendations

West End Opportunity Partnership, successors, appointment

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)