House Bill 231

Last Action 01/10/24: to Committee on Committees (H)
Title AN ACT relating to public postsecondary education institutions.
Bill Documents Introduced
Bill Request Number 1461
Sponsors W. Lawrence, K. Banta, C. Aull, K. Bratcher, S. Bratcher, E. Callaway, S. Dietz, S. Doan, R. Dotson, D. Hale, K. Herron, D. Lewis, S. Maddox, K. Moser, J. Raymond, R. Roarx, N. Wilson
Summary of Original Version Amend KRS 164.020 to prohibit the Council on Postsecondary Education from raising tuition for a postsecondary education institution more than 5% a year for resident students and 7% a year for nonresident students; provide a four-year tuition freeze for an enrolled resident student; require an institution to notify a student before expiration of a tuition freeze; require any increase in tuition or fees to be approved before March 1; amend KRS 164.131 to add two additional full-time student members to the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, including one graduate student; remove language regarding initial appointments; amend KRS 164.821 to add two additional full-time student members to the University of Louisville Board of Trustees, including one graduate student; remove language regarding initial appointments; amend KRS 164.321 to add two additional full-time student members to the boards of regents, including one full-time graduate student; remove language regarding initial appointments; amend KRS 164.7874 to require a private postsecondary institution to have a voting student member on its governing board in order to be a participating institution for purposes of KEES eligibility; provide that the Act may be cited as the Kentucky Student Tuition Protection and Accountability Act; EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2028.
Index Headings of Original Version Education, Higher - Governing boards, student representation, restrictions on increasing tuition and fee
Effective Dates, Delayed - Public postsecondary education institutions, governing boards and fees, July 1, 2028
Universities and Colleges - Governing boards, student representation, restrictions on increasing tuition and fee
Boards and Commissions - Public postsecondary governing boards, board composition, limitation of authority
Short Titles and Popular Names - Kentucky Student Tuition Protection and Accountability Act


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)