Education, Higher

Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education project, establishment

Asset Resolution Corporation, operations

Aviation training scholarships and equipment grants, public and private partnerships, provision

Bachelor's degree requirements, public postsecondary institutions, U.S. government credit

Campbellsville University, Dr. Donna Hedgepath, honor

Children of eligible veterans, discharged LGBTQ veterans, inclusion

College applications, criminal history questions, ban

College financial aid or scholarships, exclude diversity, equity, and inclusion restrictions

Community grant program, mentorship programs for at-risk male students, establishment

Comprehensive universities, postbaccalaureate program offerings, expansion study

Comprehensive universities, research doctorial programs, research institution, marketing

Comprehensive university postbaccalaureate initiative study, specific new programs for consideration

Contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance

Council on Postsecondary Education, DEI initiatives and offices, strike prohibitions

Council on Postsecondary Education, dissolution

Council on Postsecondary Education, KET board, staff member, addition

Council on Postsecondary Education president or designee, KET board, addition

COVID-19, modRNA, and mRNA vaccine, prohibition on requirement

COVID-19 vaccine, prohibition on requirement

Diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, permission

Diversity, equity, and inclusion, restriction on use of resources, definition of resources, narrow

Diversity, equity, and inclusion restrictions, civil action, private cause of action, deletion

Dual credit scholarship, course eligibility and additions

Dual credit scholarship, eligibility

Dyslexia, teacher preparation, requirements

Eastern Kentucky University, osteopathic medicine program, authorization to offer

Educational benefits, veterans and their families, expansion

Electrician licensing, college or university teaching or degree, qualifications

First Amendment, institutional policies to protect, limitation of restrictions

Foster or adopted child, public postsecondary tuition waiver program, monthly payment, establishment

Governing boards, student and faculty representation, restrictions on increasing tuition and fee

Governing boards, student representation, restrictions on increasing tuition and fee

Governor's Postsecondary Education Nominating Committee, confirmation, Andrew Belcher

Governor's recommended State/Executive Branch Budget

Hazard Community and Technical College, university establishment, study

Health plan, prescriptions drugs, distribution, requirements

Higher Education Mental Health Day, recognition

Ideology or viewpoint statements, prohibited acts, claims arising from violation

Immunization requirement, exemptions, action for damages

Immunizations, incentives, prohibition

KCTCS, audit results, action items, report, requirement

KCTCS Board of Regents, confirmation, Candace McGraw

KCTCS, PVA exam location and requirements

KEES awards, adjustment for financial aid, requirement

KEES awards, dual credit course, use

KEES base and supplemental awards, increase in amounts awarded

KEES base awards, noncertified school graduates, inclusion

KEES, eligibility expiration, extension

KEES supplemental amount, Cambridge Advanced International, inclusion

KEES supplemental amount, Classic Learning Test, inclusion

Kentucky education excellence scholarship, award amounts, adjustment

Kentucky educational excellence scholarship, Social Security number requirement, removal

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, board, membership

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, reorganization

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, rural veterinary student loan repayment

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, teacher scholarship, selection criteria

Kentucky Higher Education Student Loan Corporation, board, membership

Kentucky Nuclear Energy Development Authority and advisory board, establishment, membership, duties

KentuckyCYBER, Council on Postsecondary Education, creation

Lactating students, reasonable accommodations, minimum requirements

Master electrician, associate's degree or diploma program, credit toward licensure

Morehead State University Board of Regents, confirmation, John L. Holbrook

Morehead State University Board of Regents, confirmation, Rhonda Jennings Blackburn

Murray State University Board of Regents, confirmation, G.L. Ovey

Murray State University Board of Regents, confirmation, Matthew Edwin Price

Murray State University, veterinary medicine programs, authorization to offer

Name, image and likeness agreement requirements, applicability, modification

National Guard, call to active duty, permission to withdraw without penalty

NCAA compliance standard requirements, exclude compliance measures from DEI prohibitions

Nongovernmental organizations in education, People's Republic of China organized, prohibition

Northern Kentucky University Board of Regents, confirmation, Ashley Flaugher Himes

Open records, digital communication application, employees, provide access

Open records, electronic communication service account, employees and officers, provide

Open records, mobile devices for employees, provide

Open records, official email accounts, requirement, penalties for violation

Open records, official email accounts, requirement, subject to inspection for violation

Performance based funding, underrepresented students to replace underrepresented minority students

Postsecondary DEI officer and officers, exclude from general DEI prohibitions

Postsecondary DEI prohibitions, civil action to enforce, remove private cause of action

Postsecondary institutions, annual audit, requirements, deadlines, reports

Postsecondary resources restricted with regard to DEI initiatives, exclude gifts and grants

Procurement, capital construction, approval threshold

Program and institutional accreditation standards, exclude compliance measures from DEI prohibitions

Proprietary education, accreditation of multiple locations, authorization

Public college and universities, funding formula

Public college and universities, underrepresented students, definition

Public college and universitites, funding formula

Public colleges and universities, funding formula

Public postsecondary diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives, restrictions, CPE enforcement

Public postsecondary education, discriminatory topics, prohibition of required courses promoting

Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity and inclusion activities, omnibus prohibitions

Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity and inclusion course credit, remove prohibition

Public postsecondary education, diversity, equity and inclusion research, remove prohibition

Public postsecondary education institutions, employee compensation, publication

Public postsecondary education institutions, protection of Jewish students from violent antisemitism

Public postsecondary education, new student orientation materials, CPE development

Public postsecondary education, new student orientation, requirements

Public postsecondary institutions, diversity, equity, and inclusion actions, retain immunities

Public records, public agencies, board appointments, website, publish

Public university research projects, funding, endowed research fund

Research consortiums between public universities, funding, endowed research fund

Scholarship program, coal county paramedic

Self-insured employer group health plan, behavioral health, coverage requirement

Self-insured employer group health plan, breastfeeding support and equipment, coverage requirement

Self-insured employer group health plan, counseling interventions, perinatal depression, coverage

Self-insured employer group health plan, formula, coverage requirement

Self-insured employer group health plan, hepatitis C virus infection, coverage

Self-insured employer group health plan, mental health and substance use disorder coverage

Self-insured employer group plan, pap smear, coverage requirement

Self-insured employer health plans, obesity treatment, coverage requirement

Self-insured employer plan, substance use disorder, coverage

Self-insured group employer health plan, contraceptive coverage

Self-insured group employer health plan, perinatal palliative care

Self-insured group employer plan, postpartum mood disorders, coverage requirement

Self-insured group health plan, cancer detection, coverage requirement

Self-insured group health plan, prescription drug coverage, cost-sharing and rebate requirements

Self-insured group plans, cranial conditions, coverage requirements

Self-insured group plans, injectable epinephrine devices, coverage requirement

Self-insured health plans, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders screenings, coverage requirement

Sex discrimination, prohibition

Sexual extortion, notice to students, poster

Simon, Dr. Marion, Kentucky State University retirement, recognition

Spalding University, President Tori Murden McClure, retirement, recognition

State college and university, faculty evaluation process, creation

State postsecondary educational institution self-insured group health plan, coverage for stuttering

State postsecondary institution, child born of sexual assault, benefits provision

State postsecondary institution self-insured employer plans, maternity care, coverage requirement

State postsecondary institution self-insured employer plans, special enrollment period, pregnancy

State property, public supported postsecondary educational institution, insurance coverage

State/Executive Branch Budget

Student Teacher Stipend Program, creation

Teacher certification, optional routes

Teacher preparation programs, early mathematics instruction, teacher preparation

Teacher preparation programs, mathematics instruction, teacher preparation test, requirement

Teacher preparation programs, scientifically researched and evidence-based instruction, requirement

Teacher preparation programs, three-cueing system of instruction, prohibition

Teacher Recruitment Student Loan Forgiveness Pilot Program, creation

Teacher Recruitment Student Loan Forgiveness Pilot Program, eligibility

Title IX gender identity compliance, public educational institutions, prohibition

Tuition and fee waiver, pregnant women and parents, establishment

UK and U of L, college basketball, scheduling

University of Kentucky and University of Louisville, hospital acquistion, General Assembly approval

University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, confirmation, Alex Boone

University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, confirmation, Elizabeth Griffin McCoy

University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, confirmation, Janie Greer

University of Kentucky, postbaccalaureate program offerings, expansion study

University of Louisville, postbaccalaureate program offerings, expansion study

University teaching hospital, acute hospital acquisition, General Assembly approval, requirement

University teaching hospital, health facility acquisition, General Assembly approval, requirement

Veterans, academic credit for military training

Veterans, access to early course registration

Veterans educational benefits, FAFSA application, use of federal funds, requirement

Vital statistics, data collection, male and female, identification

Western Kentucky University Board of Regents, confirmation, Cynthia Jean Nichols

Western Kentucky University, July 20, 2024, Pershing Rifles and Rebelettes Day, recognition

Western Kentucky University, research doctoral programs, ability to offer up to five programs

Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program, expanded degree program eligibility, education

Work Ready Scholarship, dual credit courses, deletion

Workforce Innovation Task Force, establishment

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)