House Bill 700

Last Action 03/15/24: to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (H)
Title AN ACT relating to the protection of mothers and their children.
Bill Documents Introduced
Fiscal Impact Statements Actuarial Analysis
Local Mandate
Bill Request Number 1039
Sponsors J. Nemes, N. Tate, S. Baker, K. Banta, J. Bauman, D. Bentley, K. Bratcher, S. Bratcher, J. Calloway, R. Dotson, D. Fister, P. Flannery, K. Fleming, C. Fugate, D. Hale, M. Hart, R. Heath, J. Hodgson, T. Huff, M. Imes, DJ Johnson, B. McCool, S. McPherson, K. Moser, P. Pratt, M. Proctor, W. Thomas, T. Truett, B. Wesley, R. White, S. Witten
Summary of Original Version Create a new section of Subtitle17A of KRS Chapter 304 to require insurers and any exchange to provide a special enrollment period for pregnant individuals; specify requirements for coverage; require group plan insurers to provide notice of special enrollment rights; amend KRS 304.17A-145 to require health benefit plans that provide coverage for dependents to provide coverage for maternity care; amend KRS 304.17A-220 and 194A.099 to conform with the special enrollment requirement; amend KRS 18A.225 and 164.2871 to require the state employee health plan and self-insured state postsecondary education institution group health plans to comply with the special enrollment and maternity coverage requirements; create a new section of KRS Chapter 194A to define terms and provide for the payment of coverage premiums to eligible individuals; amend KRS 205.522 to require Medicaid coverage for maternity services; amend KRS 205.592 to allow the Medicaid income limit for certain women and children to be increased under certain circumstances; amend KRS 205.6485 to require Kentucky Children's Health Insurance Program to provide maternity coverage; amend KRS 164.2847 to provide for a waiver of tuition and mandatory fees for a child conceived and born as a result of sexual assault; amend KRS 164.2849 to declare the interests of the Commonwealth in protecting the unborn and supporting a child conceived and born as a result of sexual assault within established parameters; amend KRS 199.011 to define a child conceived and delivered as a result of sexual assault; amend KRS 199.473 to waive certain fees related to adoption proceedings; amend KRS 199.502 to include a conviction for specified criminal acts for an adoption without consent of the biological living parents; create a new section of KRS Chapter 199 to establish entitlement to nonrecurring adoption expenses under specified circumstances; amend KRS 199.894 to define terms; create a new section of KRS 199.892 to 199.8996 to establish the Child Care Assistance Program and establish eligibility requirements; create a new section of KRS Chapter 211 to direct the Cabinet to provide informational material on benefits available to a victim of sexual assault and a child conceived as a result of the sexual assault; amend KRS 216B.400 to establish requirements for receipt of specified benefits related to sexual assault that results in pregnancy; create a new section of KRS Chapter 49 to establish benefits available to a child born as a result of sexual assault; amend KRS 49.310 to conform; amend KRS 625.090 to add a conviction or guilty plea to any degree of rape, sexual abuse, or sexual misconduct as a basis to terminate parental rights; require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to apply for a Medicaid waiver if potential cost defrayment or loss of federal funds is identified; provide that the Act may be cited as the Love Them Both Act; EFFECTIVE, in part, January 1, 2025.
Index Headings of Original Version Actuarial Analysis - State postsecondary institution self-insured employer plans, special enrollment period, pregnancy
Local Mandate - Maternity care, coverage requirement
Crime Victims - Pregnancy, result of sexual assault, benefits provision
Crime Victims - Sexual assault, entitlement to benefits, reporting requirement
Crime Victims - State postsecondary institution benefits, verification requirement
Crimes and Punishments - Sexual assault, pregnancy, victim benefits, provision
Crimes and Punishments - Sexual assault, resultant birth of child, victim benefits, provision
Education, Higher - State postsecondary institution self-insured employer plans, maternity care, coverage requirement
Education, Higher - State postsecondary institution self-insured employer plans, special enrollment period, pregnancy
Education, Higher - State postsecondary institution, child born of sexual assault, benefits provision
Effective Dates, Delayed - Health care coverage, women and children, January 1, 2025
Insurance, Health - Maternity care, coverage requirement
Insurance, Health - Special enrollment period, pregnancy
Parental Rights - Child born as result of sexual assault, termination
Peace Officers and Law Enforcement - Victim of sexual assault, reporting requirement
Police, State - Verification for state postsecondary institution benefits, requirement
Reproductive Issues - Pregnancy, health insurance, special enrollment period
Reproductive Issues - Victim of sexual assault, resultant pregnancy, benefits provision
State Employees - Health plan, maternity care, special enrollment period
State Employees - Health plan, special enrollment period, pregnancy
Women - Maternity care, health insurance coverage, provision
Women - Pregnancy, health insurance, special enrollment period
Medicaid - Income limit, women and children
Children and Minors - Adoption, child born as result of sexual assault, benefits provision
Children and Minors - Birth arising from sexual assault, benefits provision
Short Titles and Popular Names - Love Them Both Act


  • introduced in House
  • to Committee on Committees (H)
  • to Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (H)

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)