State Employees

Alternative sentencing workers, continuing education, substance use disorder

Annual mileage reimbursement rate, Internal Revenue Service standard mileage rate, establishment

Applicants for state employment, completion of internship programs, hiring preference

Bereavement leave, death of a child, dependent, or immediate family member, requirement

Chief Justice's recommended Judicial Branch Budget

Classified employee compensation, new appointment, incumbent, salary requirements

Classified employees, working outside the Commonwealth, pay restrictions

Council on Postsecondary Education, dissolution

Council on Postsecondary Education, KET board, staff member, addition

Deferred compensation, self-directed brokerage accounts, investment

Department of Financial Institutions, assistant examiners, salary schedule

Department of Financial Institutions, examiners, salary schedule

Dependency, neglect, and abuse cases, sovereign immunity, waiver

Employee salaries, deduction of unreturned items, permit

Employee salaries, work outside of the Commonwealth, Personnel Cabinet secretary approval, require

Executive branch employees, influence in legislative matters, prohibition

Governor's recommended State/Executive Branch Budget

Health insurance coverage, abortion, removal of prohibition

Health plan, behavioral health emergency services, coverage requirement

Health plan, breastfeeding support and equipment, coverage requirement

Health plan, cancer detection, coverage requirement

Health plan, contraceptive coverage

Health plan contracts, pharmacy or pharmacist services, requirements

Health plan, counseling interventions, perinatal depression, coverage requirement

Health plan, coverage for speech therapy, treatment for stuttering

Health plan, cranial conditions, coverage requirements

Health Plan, federal Affordable Care Act, compliance

Health plan, formulas, coverage requirement

Health plan, health savings account, waiver funding option, Personnel Cabinet discretion

Health plan, injectable epinephrine devices, coverage requirement

Health plan, legislation, fiscal impact statement

Health plan, maternity care, coverage requirement

Health plan, maternity care, special enrollment period

Health plan, medical laboratories, any willing provider law

Health plan, mental health and substance use disorder coverage

Health plan, obesity treatment, insurance coverage requirement

Health plan, pap smear, coverage requirement

Health plan, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders screenings, coverage requirement

Health plan, perinatal palliative care

Health plan, pharmacy or pharmacist services, coverage requirements

Health plan, prescription drug coverage, cost-sharing and rebate requirements

Health plan, prescription drugs, distribution, requirements

Health plan, prescription drugs, postpartum mood disorders, coverage requirement

Health plan, special enrollment period, pregnancy

Health plan, substance use disorder treatment, coverage requirement

Immunizations, incentives, prohibition

Judicial Branch Budget

Juvenile facility managers, classified service, exempt

Kentucky Employee's Health Plan, special enrollment period, requirement

Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority, reorganization

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, gender-neutral language

Kentucky Public Pensions Authority, technical change

Kentucky Retirement Systems, cost-of-living adjustment for retirees

Kentucky State Police, forensic lab technicians, training, repayment

KERS, Tier 2 retirement benefits for members in hazardous positions

Lobbying, fiduciary duties, exemption

Lobbyists, executive branch hiring, prohibition

Official custodians of public records, amendments to Open Records Act, dissemination

Open Records Act training, official custodians and employees, requirement

Open records, agency-furnished and agency-designated accounts, public business, requirement

Open records, digital communication applications, provide

Open records, electronic communication service account, employees and officers, provide

Open records, information and records production, compliance

Open records, official email accounts, employees and officers, requirement

Organization, authority to associate, organize and strike

Paid parental leave, birth, adoption, foster or kinship care placement, establishment

Paid parental leave, birth, adoption, surrogacy, foster or kinship care placement, establishment

Prohibit kickbacks, penalties, exemptions

Public employee, occupational license, prior conviction

Public postsecondary education institutions, employee compensation, publication

Recommendation for alternative sentence, substance use services, requirements

Retirement, legislatively authorized or funded raises from pension spiking provisions, exemption

Scholarship and educational opportunities, allow

School district personnel, electronic communication with students, restrictions

State employee health plan, Kentucky Kare standard, elimination

State employee health plan, omnibus bill

State personnel, classified employees, positions requiring a law license, exemption

State/Executive Branch Budget

Travel across state lines, health services, prohibit prevention

Workers' compensation, psychological injuries

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)