Education, Elementary and Secondary

Academic standards, technology, artificial intelligence

Accelerated learning policies, advanced courses, requirements

Adaptive Kindergarten Readiness Pilot Project, establishment

Adaptive Kindergarten Readiness Pilot Project, operation, use of federal funds

Adjunct instructors, full-time employment, authorization

Alcohol wellness and responsibility education fund, Project Graduation grants

Allegation of abusive conduct, report

Alternative teacher certification, local training program

Alternative teacher certification pathway, Option 7, emergency

Alternative teacher certification pathway, Option 7, modification

Artificial Intelligence in Kentucky's Schools project, establishment

Assessment and accountability requirements, English learners, flexibility, urge

Attendance, diversion, unexcused absences

Autism in Education Task Force, study of school-based autism support and services

Autonomous vehicles, school buses, prohibition

Bible literacy courses, language arts credit

Boards of education, candidate eligibility, completion of twelfth grade, evidence

Boards of education, required training for members

Calvary Christian School, 50th anniversary, recognition

Capital outlay funds uses, facilities employees, authorization

Career and technical education programs, funding

Center for School Safety, staff positions, requirements

Certified employees, assessment requirement, local board of education policy

Certified nonpublic schools, policies on the use of medicinal cannabis, requirement

Child-care provider, employer contributions, facilities and maintenance cost, inclusion

Civics test, data reporting, requirement

Classic Learning Test, KEES supplemental amount, inclusion

Classified school district employees, honoring

Commissioner of education, instructional time waiver, approval

Complaint process, school materials, removal

Construction financing, use of architect or engineer estimate, authorization

Contiguous school district, merger provisions

Contiguous school districts, merger

Contracts, Kentucky Buy American Act, compliance

Converted career and technical education center, qualifying employee award, authorize

COVID-19, modRNA, and mRNA vaccine, prohibition on requirement

COVID-19 vaccine, prohibition on requirement

DEI Economic Impact Task Force, study of diversity, equity, and inclusion education initiatives

Department of Education, nurse positions, requirements

Department of Education, operational audit

Department of Education website, school district employee salary, publication

Director of pupil personnel, habitual truant, provision

Director of pupil personnel, parent of truant referred, provision

Director of pupil personnel, unexcused absences, discretion

District facilities plans, development process, establishment

Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging, political activism, prohibitions, spending and advocacy

Dual credit scholarship, course eligibility

Dual credit scholarship, eligibility

Duel credit scholarship, eligibility, addition of courses

Dyslexia, local board of education, policy requirements

Dyslexia, study project, Kentucky Department of Education

Early childhood education provider funds, establishment

Early mathematics education, kindergarten to grade three, requirements

Education and Sharing Day, April 19, recognizing

Education Professional Standards Board, complaints process, modification

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Amy Shearer Lingo

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Cathy Chanelle Chanelle Gunn

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Christopher John Fryer

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Diana F. Berry

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, James Paul Cousins

Education Professional Standards Board, confirmation, Sarah Weedman

Education Professional Standards Board, mathematics teacher preparation tests

Educational neglect, removal of child, surrender of public benefits

Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force, creation

Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force, districts to be reviewed

Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force, membership, chair of local board

Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force, membership, modification

Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force, membership, superintendent

Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force, scope, modification

Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force, scope of review

Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force, scope, school board governance

Electronic communication, restrictions

Electronic communication with students, restrictions

Eligible veterans, discharged LGBTQ veterans, inclusion

Emergency teacher certification, job offer requirements, exclusion

Emergency teacher certification, renewal requirements, waiver

Employee leave, conversion to sick days, payment up retirement, annual report

Employee leave, conversion to sick days, payment upon retirement, annual report

Employee rights, public school, provision

English language learners, accountability system

Extracurricular facilities, state funds, limitation on use

Facilities use by students, individual privacy

Facilities use by students of opposite biological sex, authorization

Federal accountability requirements, urging expansion

Federal grant opportunities, authorize

Feminine hygiene products, elementary and secondary students, provision

Feminine hygiene products, provision, permit

Gender-appropriate pronouns, parental request, use

Gender-neutral language, insertion

Governor's recommended State/Executive Branch Budget

Graduation requirement, civic literacy

Graduation requirements, physical education, athletics participation alternative

Harlan County High School, boys' basketball team, recognition

Health services related to human sexuality, parental rights, modification

High school graduation requirements, cursive writing, demonstration of ability to sign name

High school graduation requirements, cursive writing, requirement to demonstrate signature, removal

Historical instruction, African and Native American history requirements

History of racism, curriculum, inclusion

Home and hosptial instruction, inpatient facility, instruction eligibility

Homeschool Task Force, homeschooling regulation and financial impact, study

Human growth and development and human sexuality instruction, civil cause of action, removal

Human growth and development and human sexuality instruction, video

Human growth and development and human sexuality instruction, video, medically accurate

Human growth and development instruction, birth abnormalities and defects

Human growth and development instruction, complications with fetal development

Human growth and development instruction, ectopic pregnancy

Human growth and development instruction, requirements, parental notification

Human growth and development instructional materials, written notification to parents, contents

Human sexuality instruction, comprehensive and age-appropriate

Human sexuality instruction, comprehensive family financial planning instruction

Human sexuality programs, parental rights, opt out

Human sexuality programs, parental rights, requirements, modification

Immunizations, incentives, prohibition

Income tax credit, educator expenses

Independent school districts, establishment

Insolvent school district, merger provisions

Instructional programs for school-age children, exemptions

Interlocal cooperative boards, management and control, audit

Interscholastic extracurricular activities, participation

Juvenile justice records, superintendent, delegation of authority

KEES awards, dual credit course, use

KEES base and supplemental awards, increase in amounts awarded

KEES supplemental amount, Cambridge Advanced International, inclusion

Kentucky Authority for Educational Television, membership

Kentucky Board of Education, at-large member, addition

Kentucky Board of Education, confirmation, Diana W. Woods

Kentucky Board of Education, confirmation, Julia Dianne Pile

Kentucky Board of Education, membership, partisan election

Kentucky Board of Education, membership, requirements

Kentucky Board of Education, membership requirements

Kentucky Board of Education, student voting member, addition

Kentucky Community School Initiative, participating schools, recognition

Kentucky Department of Education, Commissioner of Education, confirmation, Dr. Robbie Fletcher

Kentucky Department of Education commissioner or designee, KET board, membership

Kentucky Department of Education, human growth and development instructional materials, approval

Kentucky Department of Education, nonresident pupil data, appeals process

Kentucky Department of Education, teacher academies, creation

Kentucky education excellence scholarship, award amounts, adjustment

Kentucky guardians, provisions

Kentucky High School Speech League, appropriation

Kentucky numeracy counts fund, appropriation

Kentucky numeracy counts fund, creation

Kentucky School for the Deaf Governance Task Force, study of governance models

Kentucky School for the Deaf, superintendent, appointment

Kindergarten, full day of instruction

Knives longer than three inches, prohibition

Lactating students, reasonable accommodations, minimum requirements

Learning pods, protections

Learning pods, teacher certification requirements, exemption

Library media center, school librarian, removal from bill

Library media center, school librarian requirement, removal

Limited English proficiency students, enhanced support program

Lobbyist registration list, maintenance, requirement

Local board of education, county district election divisions, reestablishment

Local board of education member, recall election, establishment

Local board of education members, code of ethics, delete requirement and enforcement

Local board of education, number of members, expansion

Local board of education, secretary, superintendent not to be appointed

Local board of education, teacher assessment requirement, authorization

Local board of education, teacher maternity leave, requirement

Local boards of education , code of ethics, requirement and enforcement

Local boards of education, code of ethics, adoption

Local boards of education, code of ethics, requirement and enforcement

Local boards of education, grounds for removal of members, investigation and enforcement

Local boards of education, Kentucky guardians, policy requirement

Local boards of education, member training, finance and superintendent evaluation, requirement

Local boards of education, members, reimbursement

Local boards of education, nicotine products, possession, penalties

Local boards of education policies, transportation services

Local boards of education policies, transportation services, required language

Local boards of education, publication of budget, requirement

Local boards of education, tobacco and nicotine products, possession, penalties

Local boards of education, tobacco and other nicotine products, possession, penalties

Local juvenile restorative justice committees, establishment

Local property tax, motor vehicle exemption

Local school board, student journalism protection, adoption of policies

Local school boards, student representative, requirement

Local school districts, anonymous reporting tool

Local school districts, charitable contribution reports, minimum contents, publication

Locally operated career and technical education centers, funding

Lyon County High School, 2024 State Boys' Basketball champions, honor

March 15, National Preschool Teacher Appreciation Day, recognition

Maternity leave, school district employees, establishment

Mathematics education, requirements

Medicinal cannabis, administration on school property

Medicinal cannabis, use on school property

Menstrual discharge collection devices, distribution in schools

Menstrual period, instruction, permit

Minor employment, night preceding a school day, prohibition

Misconduct involving minor, nondisclosure agreement, prohibition

Misdemeanor sex crimes, hiring by school superintendent, prohibition

Misdemeanor sex crimes, hiring of convicts by school superintendent, prohibition

Moments of silence and reflection, daily observation requirement

New teacher induction and mentor program, implementation

Nonacademic surveys, parental consent

Noncertified school graduates, KEES base amount, inclusion

Nongovernmental organizations in education, People's Republic of China organized, prohibition

Nonresident pupil enrollment, admissions process

Nonresident pupil policies, requirements, establishment

Nonresident pupil policy, requirements

Nonresident pupil, tuition fee

Nonresident pupil varsity transfer eligibility, modification

Nonresident pupils, public schools, capacity

Nonresident pupils, public schools, tuition fees

Non-school bus passenger vehicle drivers, immediate notification to superintendent, requirement

Non-school bus passenger vehicles, driver qualifications, drug testing, license required

Non-school bus passenger vehicles, vehicles designed for 15 or fewer passengers, conditions of use

Open records, agency-furnished and agency-designated accounts, public business, requirement

Open records, digital communication application, employees, provide access

Open records, digital communication applications, provide

Open records, electronic communication service account, employees and officers, provide

Open records, mobile devices for employees, provide

Open records, official email accounts, employees and officers, requirement

Open records, official email accounts, requirement, penalties for violation

Open records, official email accounts, requirement, subject to inspection for violation

Parental opt out, instruction on human sexuality, establishing

Parental opt out, well-being questionnaires and assessments, establishing

Parental rights, public schools

Parental rights, public schools, cause of action

Parental rights, public schools, provision

Part-time public school students, interscholastic athletics, eligibility

Part-time student enrollment in public schools, authorization

Personal telecommunications device, student use, prohibition

Portable automated external defibrillators, public school buildings and events, requirement

Portable automated external defibrillators, school building requirements, annual compliance report

Preschool education program, eligibility

Preschool, eligible three and four-year-olds, school district to provide

Private and at-home private schools, teacher qualification

Professional certification, requirements

Professional development, artificial intelligence, requirement

Professional development, school counselors, building and construction trades

Professional development training schedule, Kentucky Department of Education, creation

Professional development training schedule, local board implementation

Proposed constitutional amendment, education costs outside public schools

Proposed constitutional amendment, educational costs outside public schools

Psychological injuries for educators, workers' compensation

Public agencies, open meeting compliance, voidable actions

Public charter schools, repeal

Public education capacities, political knowledge

Public funds, use in lobbying, prohibition

Public offense petition, notice to school, requirement

Public offense petition, public school records, maintenance

Public records, public agencies, board appointments, website, publish

Public school buildings, single-user toilet facilities, required

Public school calendar, student attendance days, beginning September 1

Public school calendar, student attendance days, number

Public school student data, parental rights violation, cause of action

Public schools, Community School Initiative, recognize

Public schools, duty to act to protect Jewish students from violence and antisemitism

Public schools, mental health, trauma informed approach, deletion

Public schools, required learning capacities of Kentucky public students

Public Schools Week, February 26 to March 1, 2024, recognition

Pupil transportation, discipline policies and procedures

Purple Star School Program, criteria, establishment

Race and protective hairstyles, discrimination in schools, prohibition in disciplinary codes

Radio frequency identification technology, public school student, parental consent

Refundable tax credit, dependent's qualified education expenses

Sacred Heart Academy, 2024 State Girls' Basketball champions, honoring

Safe Haven Baby Boxes Crisis line, public display in schools, requirement

School AED Fund, expansion of permitted use, medical devices to protect student athletes

School building plans, chief state school officer, submission

School building posting, notification of armed school resource officer

School buildings, teacher housing, affordable housing, allowable uses

School bus equipment, approval, Finance and Administration Cabinet price contract list

School bus equipment, standards and specifications

School bus sensors and interior cameras, consideration

School bus stop arm camera, violation

School bus stop arm cameras, installation, option

School bus stop arm cameras, installation, requirement

School calendar, professional development, additional day

School construction project, land costs limitation, establishment

School council members, conflicts of interest, establishment

School council parent member election, process

School counselors, direct services to students, provision

School discipline, assaults at school, employee leave benefits and rights, mandatory reporting

School district applicant, employment history request, deadline

School District Consolidation Task Force, creation

School district depositories, maximum depositories, removal

School district employees, supplemental one-time payment, requirement

School district facilities, review and evaluation procedure, modification

School district land purchase and disposal, Kentucky Board of Education, approval

School district mortgages and liens, prior approval, removal

School district real property, acquisition and disposal process, establishment

School districts, general obligation bonds, issuance

School districts, professional development training, report

School districts, reemployed retiree health insurance, reimbursement

School employees, assault of school personnel causing physical injury, leave benefits

School enrollment, in person appearance, military-connected, prohibition

School enrollment residency, military orders, proof of residency

School facilities construction, prior approval

School facilities staff, professional development program, establishment

School funds, ballot question advocacy, prohibition on use

School nutrition, community eligibility provision, reimbursement to school districts

School property purchase and disposal, prior approval

School property, weapons, sign notification requirement, removal

School Social Work Week, March 3 to 9, 2024, designation

School tax revenues, state equalization amount, adjustment

School transportation, alternative transportation plan, non-school bus passenger vehicles

School transportation, alternative transportation plan, non-school bus vehicles

Schools, authorization to carry concealed deadly weapons

Scientifically researched and evidence-based instruction, requirement

Screen time, public school students, limitations

Secondary schools, sexual extortion, notice to students and parents or guardians, principals

Secondary schools, sexual extortion, notice to students, poster

SEEK fund distribution, outdated language, deletion

Sex discrimination, prohibition

Sex offender, hiring by school superintendent, prohibition

Sex offenders, residing within 3,000 feet of specific locations, prohibitions

Sexual extortion, notice to students and parents or guardians, principals

Sexual extortion, notice to students, poster

Sick leave, use for observance of religious holidays not on school calendar

Social and emotional learning, prohibition

Social media safety, instruction

Social media safety, policy

Social studies curriculum, censorship, prohibition

Social studies, LGBT history, inclusion

State/Executive Branch Budget

Student data, digital instructional services, limitations

Student digital data, parental rights

Student examinations, treatments, or surveys, specific topics, parental consent

Student journalists and student media advisors, protections

Student lunch period, 30 minute minimum duration

Student transportation to and from school on non-school bus passenger vehicles, driver requirements

Student well-being, assistance

Superintendent investigations, local board report, requirement

Superintendent notification, complaints, Education Professional Standards Board

Superintendent removal process, requirements

Support Education Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK) Task Force, creation

Teacher certification, assessment requirement, removal

Teacher certification, optional routes

Teacher planning time, supervision and instruction required, compensation

Teacher Red Tape Reduction Task Force, study teacher mandates and make recommendations

Teachers, Education Professional Standards Board, complaint procedure, establishment

Teachers, Education Professional Standards Board, complaint procedure, timeline

Teachers, Education Professional Standards Board, teacher complaint procedures, establishment

Teachers, honoring

Teachers' retirement, service credit, optional makeup days, religious holidays

Teachers' Retirement System, sick leave reporting

Teachers, substitute certification

Three-cueing system of instruction, prohibition

Tire expenses, deletion of reimbursement, provision

Tire expenses, reimbursement, Kentucky Department of Education

Title IX gender identity compliance, public educational institutions, prohibition

Transportation services policy, students with disabilities, federal law compliance

Trauma-informed team, membership

Trauma-informed teams and plans, child abuse and neglect awareness and prevention, inclusion

Tuition, public school, prohibition

Type 1 diabetes information, parents and guardians of K-12 students

Undesignated glucagon, administration

Urban agriculture, youth, promotion

Vital statistics, data collection, male and female, identification

Weapons prohibition, optional

Work Ready Scholarship, dual credit courses, deletion

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)