Legislative Research Commission

Alcohol Wellness and Responsibility Education Corporation, appointment power, removal

Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Vehicle Task Force, establishment

Artificial Intelligence Task Force, establishment

Autonomous Vehicle Task Force, establishment

Basic health program design, task force, establishment

Certificate of Need Task Force, creation

Certificate of Need Task Force, reestablishment

Commission on Race and Access to Opportunity, appointments, reporting requirement

DEI Economic Impact Task Force, study of diversity, equity, and inclusion education initiatives

Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources Administration Task Force, establishment, duties, report

Director, prefiled bills, organization and assignment

Director, prefiled bills, publication

Early Childhood Education Task Force, reestablishment

Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force, creation

Efficient and Effective School District Governance Task Force, membership

Energy Planning and Inventory Commission, annual reports

Energy Planning and Inventory Task Force, report

Foster Care and Adoption Efficiency Task Force, establishment

General Assembly, members, mileage allowance, Internal Revenue Service standard mileage rate

Health Care Disparities Task Force, establishment

Health Care Outcomes Task Force, establishment

Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation

Kentucky Housing Task Force, establishment

Kentucky Kinship Task Force, establishment

Legislation, mandated health benefit, fiscal impact statements

Legislative Branch Budget

Legislative Oversight and Investigations Committee, technical correction

LRC Director's recommended Legislative Branch Budget

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Board of the General Assembly, establishment

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Board of the General Assembly, managed care organization

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Board of the General Assembly, non-legislative members, increase

Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee, establishment

Members of the General Assembly, salaries and benefits

Members of the General Assembly, salaries and benefits, procedures

New State Capitol and Capitol Annex, public areas, usage

Postsecondary institutions, audit report, fiscal watch, notice

Prefiling of bills, establishment

Public Bank Task Force, creation

School District Consolidation Task Force, creation

Support Education Excellence in Kentucky (SEEK) Task Force, creation

Tax Expenditure and Economic Development Incentive Review Board, establishment, duties

Workforce Attraction and Retention Task Force, establishment

Workforce Growth and Solutions Task Force, establishment

Workforce Innovation Task Force, establishment

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)