Senate Joint Resolution 138

Last Action 02/12/24: to Appropriations & Revenue (S)
Title A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the establishment of the Homestead Exemption Task Force.
Bill Documents Introduced
Bill Request Number 1914
Sponsors D. Harper Angel, G. Neal
Summary of Original Version Direct the creation of the Homestead Exemption Task Force to study the expansion of the homestead exemption; outline task force duties and members; require the task force to meet monthly during the 2024 Interim and to submit findings and recommendations to the Legislative Research Commission by December 1, 2024; require the executive branch to assist the task force.
Index Headings of Original Version Disabilities and the Disabled - Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation
General Assembly - Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation
Housing, Building, and Construction - Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation
Legislative Research Commission - Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation
Property Valuation Administrators - Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation
State Agencies - Homestead Exemption Task Force, executive branch, assistance
Taxation, Property - Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation
Aged Persons and Aging - Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation
Task Forces, Legislative Branch - Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation
Taxation - Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation


  • introduced in Senate
  • to Committee on Committees (S)
  • to Appropriations & Revenue (S)

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)