Disabilities and the Disabled

Autism in Education Task Force, study of school-based autism support and services

Certified waiver providers, investigation procedures, establishment

Civil cause of action, loss of parental consortium, total and permanent disability, establishment

Civil rights, Americans with Disabilities Act, amendments, inclusion

Community-based supportive services, Cabinet for Health and Family Services study

Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, recognizing

Disabilities Awareness Day, February 27, 2024. recognition

Disabled parent, accommodations, family preservation

Emotional support animals, assistance dog rights and privileges, exclusion

Emotional support animals, misrepresentation, fine

Guardianship proceeding, respondent, right to appointed counsel, right to retain counsel

Hearings for appointment of guardian or conservator, additional requirements

Home and community-based waiver programs, required services

Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation

Individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, rights, enforcement

Kentucky School for the Deaf Governance Task Force, study of governance models

Kentucky School for the Deaf, superintendent

Long-term care, staffing ratios, implementation

Medicaid residential waiver services, use of video recording devices, permission

Medicaid waiver, out-of-state services, interstate compact

Mental or physical health emergency, termination of lease

Minimum wage for all employees, requirements

Petition for appointment of guardians or conservator, additional requirements

Property tax, assessment of property, homeowners classified as totally disabled

Property tax, homestead exemption amount

Property tax, homestead exemption amount, proposed constitutional amendment

Property tax, homestead exemption, application process

Proposed constitutional amendment, property tax exemption, homesteads of veterans

School district transportation services policy, federal law compliance

Veterans, educational benefit, service-connected disability rating, reduction

Workforce Innovation Task Force, establishment

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)