Taxation, Property

Assessed value, homestead exemption, owners who are 65 or older

Assessment of property, homeowners classified as totally disabled

Children's early learning services taxing districts, authorization to establish

Combined municipal utility electric and water plant boards, property tax, equivalent payments

Department of Revenue, publication of administrative writings and tax forms and instructions

Department of Revenue, publication of tax forms

Discontinuance of watershed conservancy district boards, transfer of taxing authority

Electric vehicles, state property tax, road fund earmark

Exemption or elimination, proposed constitutional amendment

Federally documented boats, state and local tax exemption

Federally documented boats, tax exemption

Homestead exemption amount

Homestead exemption amount, proposed constitutional amendment

Homestead exemption, application process for disabled persons

Homestead exemption, owners who are 65 or older, proposed constitutional amendment

Homestead Exemption Task Force, creation

Homesteads of veterans and surviving spouses, exemption, proposed constitutional amendment

Installment payment program

Motor vehicle valuation, exemption

Motor vehicles, exemption

Property Valuation Review Commission, counties with consolidated local government, creation

Real property definition, mains, pipes, pipelines, and conduits

Recall petition, Social Security number requirement, removal

Referendum petition, Social Security number requirement, removal

Tax Expenditure and Economic Development Incentive Review Board, establishment, duties

Tax rate levy, recall process

Tax rate levy, recall vote, next regular election

Tax rate petition process, requirements

Last updated: 7/25/2024 10:32 AM (EDT)